Brilliant exposé. To think I used to be proud to be a member of the medical profession! I am thankful that, having retired, I was not party to this gross deviation from the ethical and moral values that I still hold dear.

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To think that I use to be part of the television broadcasting in Canada. I am ashamed at the propaganda still being spewed out of their mouths. I did documentaries for the world renowned Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Imagine forcing young already sick patients to be injected with poisons. You should be aghast at what you are doing. 🇨🇦

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I retired because of the deviation from ethical and moral values. Lost all faith in the FDA, too.

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I believe there’s a vital piece of important context which we have a duty to impress upon readers.

That is that there was nothing spreading, no pandemic, no public health emergency preceding the declaration by WHO of a pandemic.

This was unquestionably known to both the manufacturers of the injections, whether pharma, contract manufacturers or the DoD, as well as to national authorities, long before the fraudulent, faked regulatory authorisations of the injections.

Couple that with the insight of a number of us that there are multiple, unnecessary, harmful and obvious mechanisms of toxicity inherent in the injections, and the full horror of what was done & is continuing comes into focus.

I’m aware many people don’t want to look this in its face. I respectfully ask that they do do. It’s not going away because it’s in no way a natural phenomenon.



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When I was a young engineer in the nuclear weapons industry I didn’t ask any follow up questions about the legitimacy of the industry or even the actual need or purpose of the projects. Just questions relating to how to complete a task or declare success.

Three decades later I started to ask the fundamental questions and the responses from above have consistently been, “Well it’s been a great income and has enabled me to put several children through Princeton” or “Look, you can retire but I still need another 15 years until I can retire “.

To this day, I have seen no tangible proof that any of our “products” are either necessary or are being used for their stated purpose. So I extrapolated that realization when the medical psyop was launched at the end of 2019. I realized that just like in my industry, tens to hundreds of thousands salaried employees will just rubber stamp “anything” in order to keep their gravy train rolling. At least until they can afford to retire.

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SD, what you saying it is sheer inertia that kept the emergency declared and vxx train rolling. At some point many hundreds and thousands of professionals knew there were serious or fatal problems with the vxx and the entire pandemic operation--but chose to bury their heads in the sand. We have seen this in human nature on many chain of event engineering disasters. This however does not preclude the seeming stupidity of large numbers of bio-engineers of for years before Covid in developing a genetic product that had defective thinking and was lethal on multiple fronts.

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Well said Mike. I stated similar.

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So many layers of lies.

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And, it's the layers of liars and enablers who stitched this scam together, knowing full well what it was being visited on millions of unsuspecting people around the world. It's the intent (Mens Rea) behind it then ( and now), which is criminally evil.

How do tyrannies survive but for the enablers in society's layers - health sector, local government, police, education, churches, etc. Not nearly enough of these enablers have been outed let alone been bothered by conscience.

As for the Hippocratic Oath....betrayed by swathes of medical professionals at the top and bottom. 'Help patients make informed decisions', 'Avoid harming patients', Respect patient's dignity and autonomy'.

Yes. As Hart says 'don't forget' even as 'they' try to 'move us' on.

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I found this on the FDA website back on 9/14/21. Start on the last pages. They didn’t even try to hide that they we’re coming for the babies and kids… they published all the dates. Some of the “experiments” are still ongoing according to the dates.


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Chris Whitty's counsel applies to you. Call GoF "injection" (into virions?) if you like. Coronaviruses, first called Infectious Bronchitis Disease (IBD), have been known since 1930, and in humans since at least 1964.


What phenomenon DID kill the chicks?

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Nothing surprises me anymore. At the time I thought what knowledge I had was outdated because since retirement I'd not kept up to date. Particularly when the leaders of the profession were advocating and supporting policies ,I assumed were based on the best evidence "They wouldnt mislead us would they?"never entered my head but does now. Moral and professional weakness/cowardice not to mention corruption.

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So many in the medical and scientific community assume the other guy has done due diligence and thorough research. So skim and cut and paste and get paid. That’s the core racket that replaced the good ones like you.

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And the situation hasn’t changed much,so don’t be so silly now,the medical cult is very much like a dangerous religious cult and they have almost unlimited resources to work with, the doctors are carefully chosen to be nicely obedient drug dealers for them and they have created the laws so they can’t be prosecuted at all,it’s really a medical/pharmaceutical dictatorship if you look at it in depth ,thanks for your fantastic work helping to expose it,even if it doesn’t vet make much of an impact 👍

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Could it be there was no novel respiratory pathogen circulating to begin with therefore the 'pandemic' was just another WHO fraud https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10128604 and the only reason for lockdowns was so the ''COVID vaccines'' could be sold to the masses as 'a way out'?....therefore how could the injections EVER be safe or save any lives and more importantly are they really for?

Why are sooo many ''freedom fighting'' groups like 'Usforthem' apaprently legal minded avoiding discussing the above possibilities in light of consistent OFFICIAL evidence given direct from those ''on the front-line''?

''Lots of people who just took unwell were classed as suspected COVID without any test being carried out.’’

'‘Other health conditions didn't exist during COVID.’'

'‘If you took unwell living in a care home you were automatically considered as being COVID positive.’

-Central Scotland care home manager.

NB: Central Scotland suffered the highest death toll from ''COVID'' in Scotland.

As far as almost all 'freedom' groups are concerned, nothing to see here. Let's not discuss the implications but ANY other topic, discussed at length and investigated, no problem.


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HART wrote this now almost two years ago: https://dailysceptic.org/2023/03/18/it-was-a-vaccine-strategy-from-the-start/, very much in line with what you are saying.

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Yes, a good article you wrote but specific point being have HART members (excl Dr.Engler) went as far as ''Could it be there was no novel respiratory pathogen circulating to begin with''? and mistakes were not made? forgivable in 2021 but not so much post 2023 with so much inquiry evidence accumulating very much pointing to that. Again, so much official information is being relegated by almost everyone considered informed and 'awake' and is seen as being less important to be discussed vs other topics especially the 'vaccine' when it's actually THE most important area to explore and fully expose the 'COVID' pandemic.



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Yes, the first line of that article references this from 2022: https://www.hartgroup.org/a-possibly-unpopular-null-hypothesis/

I think you will not find much to disagree with. Your could make the case that the word "pandemic" as used can be interpreted (or weaponised by those with nefarious intent) differently, if I wrote that article today I would add a line describing an "endemic" as opposed to a "pandemic". My view is that "it" should never have been named.

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''SARS-CoV-2 was nasty'' -Hmm not quite.

What i find utterly bizarre in 2024 is all these speculative articles from 2021-2022 and beyond which are mostly opinion pieces with limited or no supporting evidence of claims made yet when the actual proof arrives and in abundance OFFICIALLY that then confirms past concerns and more over ''COVID'' no one writes anything nor even wants to know. Almost ZERO curiosity within all 'alt' media and 'COVID' sceptic circles.



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But in the context of the piece, I.e. Comparing to 1999/2000 and 2015, "nasty" is reasonable, no? Nasty enough to justify - in my view, and as argued - no action? I don't think that's an unreasonable position to hold? It would be silly to try and claim that there weren't "nasty" colds and respiratory diseases circulating in 2019 and 2020. I have only been referred to a lung specialist once in my life, and that was in Autumn 2019 after being quite under the weather for much of the latter part of 2019.

I actually feel a bit frustrated - as someone who said in March 2020 that we should do nothing out of the ordinary - to now be told by others (not you) who were in favour of interventions that my position contravenes their new orthodoxy... 😐

I wrote this a while back which is relevant. https://alexstarling77.substack.com/p/re-anti-cato

I've since had to distance myself from the subject of the defence, as he's said some nasty things, in my view. But he was right to call out those who went along with all the nonsense and then regretted at leisure (while claiming to be at the forefront of the resistance).

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Not at the time no but anyone defending the ''nasty sarscov2 virus'' in 2024 at the expense of the witness testimony evidence from care home managers etc needs to think again.

''If we do not address the root cause of precisely how the authorities (and possibly their puppetmasters?) subverted our democracy in March 2020, we may leave ourselves totally exposed to a repeat showing. ''

Oh how i have said same in relation to the ignorance or refusal to discuss the Scottish and even recent UK COVID inquiry evidence by the 'COVID sceptic' 'freedom' community. A monumental mistake or is it?


The article you linked is full of good points which previosuly were speculation or 'just an opinion' but now have far more weight to them but no one wants to use the official evidence to corroborate their views. Toby Young of the Lockdown sceptics website =no real Scottish COVID inquiry evidence apart from recent mask piece by Gary Sidley based on my substack. Surreal times!


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"Do not forget."

I will never forget what they have done, and I will do all I can to make sure they do not forget either.

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I found something similar in Western Australia.

After nearly a year of catastrophic levels of officially-recorded vaccine injuries by the state government during 'covid zero' conditions, the expert panel (led by a former UN Iraq biological weapons inspector), was discussing boosters and jabbing children 5-11 years old. Here are the parliamentary papers:


The hospitals were even collapsing under the weight of the jab injuries and they decided to mandate.

Thanks for your work.

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I take issue with the opinion that "covid" was harmful to anyone. Treatments and protocols were the harmful elements. This is obvious to me, with no medical training.

A system's purpose should be determined by its results, not its stated intent. Systems of medicine produce sickness, death, and debt. With the covid military operation we watched it change into a full-on democide engine. We also saw what were apparently sovereign national governments making the exact same "wrong" decisions in lockstep.

It is parents' responsibility to protect their children from governments and doctors. You are not alone.

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and we are tolerating so much more via the school curriculum--because there is NO clear vision of what education is for or who it is for.

On a global level, there appears to be no clear articulation of what education is for, who or what does it serve, nor what schools are to teach.

Are we to teach values, skills, or knowledge? If so, what are those values?

Is education for

• the pursuit of learning

• intellectual self-reflection

• a gateway to higher education

• to prepare people for the world of work

• to solve society’s ills whether it is climate, vandalism, health, or whatever the latest world crisis appears to be?

It seems to me that whatever the most recent issue becomes a matter for schools.

Who does education serve, who are the stakeholders?

Parents, business, politicians, churches, governors, politicians, children?

A disarming lack of clarity enables pressure groups to impose their agenda on schools.


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Sterling work folks !

Whitty et al shall go down in history as collaborators in a massive, farcical, medical experiment.

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Whitty et al should go down as collaborators in a massive fraud.

Really do need prosecutions both fraud and malfeasance in public office, as appropriate!

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It was all a coordinated effort. Same things happened on US side. My guess is the CDC was effectively acting as the lead for what other countries like the UK were doing

HART would do well to study the studies of what was happening with the pediatric flu shot, esp between 2009 and 2019.

My country was hiding things. Maybe yours was too

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Good steer, thanks - more to add to the list of things to go into in more detail. Ours is an amateur effort to chip away at the omerta. Keep up the good work, thank you!

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👍 WOW!

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The only way that this recommendation could make any sense is if they were being instructed by Military/Military intelligence how to respond in a biodefence campaign. And that is precisely what I believe happened, of course under a National Security gag order. We now know that Health Authorities in both The Netherlands and Germany were receiving orders from NATO Military Intelligence so why would the UK be any different.

The only European country that behaved differently was Sweden but remember Sweden was NOT a member of NATO at that time.

We MUST keep asking WHY when confronted with decisions that clearly make no sense.

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at the very least, the covid 19 vaxx deployment from beginning to end is the worst mistake the global medical industrial complex has ever made. We need to continue to diligently dig for proofs that indicate if and when the entire complex became guilty of willful and intentional negligence.

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It was more than that! See https://dailysceptic.org/2023/03/18/it-was-a-vaccine-strategy-from-the-start/.

Agree we need to keep digging…

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The War On The Child: Battlefront “FoI All The Way”


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