I agree about the electro-smog. After living 15 metres from a phone mast for 3 years, I got bad flu-like symptoms lasting for weeks, including very swollen neck glands. Speaking to Prof Kent Chamberlain (New Hampshire Commission) he said he had heard the same very often.
I agree about the electro-smog. After living 15 metres from a phone mast for 3 years, I got bad flu-like symptoms lasting for weeks, including very swollen neck glands. Speaking to Prof Kent Chamberlain (New Hampshire Commission) he said he had heard the same very often.
I agree about the electro-smog. After living 15 metres from a phone mast for 3 years, I got bad flu-like symptoms lasting for weeks, including very swollen neck glands. Speaking to Prof Kent Chamberlain (New Hampshire Commission) he said he had heard the same very often.