Dear Dave, I don't understand how constantly knocking us helps anyone. We have often put your articles in the HART Pick of the Week but I'm assuming you don't follow us. Lots of the people on the list we tagged, though of course not all, have been working all hours to try and warn people about the dangers. We, like you, have been hacked and smeared and taken down off Twitter at intervals. Please send me a list of anyone else you think we should be including here. It was chosen partly because of their large Twitter followings eg @Telegraph has 3.4 million followers not because we think they have covered themselves with glory on the topic of the vaccines. We didn't include you because you are not on Twitter, not because you haven't been an absolute hero in your coverage of the Scottish Inquiry. We need to save our energies for fighting this evil together.

Send me anything you want us to post any time.

Ros Jones

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Hi Ros, randomly came across your update. No notification. I do follow HART. I'm not knocking anyone. I also didn't expect to be on the list for the reasons you state. My main point is the persistent focus on the ''COVID vaccines'' by the 'medical freedom' community is massive compared to what has been officially confirmed as occuring in care homes in 2020. I will be doing an article on this shortly that clearly demonstrates this. HART or anyone else is free to use ANY material in my substack to create and article to raise awareness if they are concerned v what i am posting about. NB: I want people to share the articles out of genuine concern not to think i'm personally being ''helped'' in some way which is impossible given i do this for free and have no interest in any sort of fame.

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Wow! If only 'medical freedom' had such determination to expose the roots of ''the pandemic'' and share more widely and be more vocal about what went on in care homes in 2020.


''Let’s all expose the sham UK Covid Inquiry. ''

-Said by a person/s that have likely never even watched a single evidence session nor read a witness statement? I on the other hand have watched easy 100 sessions from both Scottish and UK inquiry and read over 100 witness statements in full. There is more going on.

The danger of blanketing the UK COVID inquiry with those terms is that people switch off from what has been and will be said. Is that what you want, for all this and what is to come from module 6 (care homes) to be ignored? Seems like it.

‘‘Midazolam and morphine were given to my mum without my consent.’’

-Martina Ferguson COVID-19 Bereaved Families for Justice Northern Ireland


''It went against our nursing ethics and against our need to advocate for patients and their best interests.’’

-Patricia Anne Temple is a band 5 level NHS staff nurse


‘‘On 24th March some of our services recieved letters stating if anyone in your service get’s COVID they are unlikely to be treated and therefore PLEASE DON’T BRING THEM TO HOSPITAL.’’

-Former CEO Royal Mencap


‘‘It seems to many of our members that their loved ones suffered discriminatory treatment through the use of frailty scoring to prioritise, refuse and withdraw treatment and that their loved ones were neglected in hospital because they were `’old.’’

-Anna Louis Marsh Rees COVID-19 Bereaved Families for Justice Wales.


''Many of the people who actually developed COVID had many comorbidities and it may have been another cause that eventually led to their death.’'

-Public Health Scotland Director Nick Phin


Not so much of a ''whitewash'' folks. Beware those that confidently state otherwise and have ignored all of the above from UK.

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I think ultimately HART's main focus in on the vaccine harms, which the UK inquiry (not to be confused with the Scottish inquiry; there's two separate inquiries) did not cover.

Yes, it's not the only set of harms to come out of the pandemic, but HART haven't tried to posit their inquiry as being a pandemic-only based one, merely a vaccine injury one, which is in dire need of being covered especially in England where the smug vaccine shills sit on Parliamentary boards. It is a different kettle of fish.

Don't criticise them for the lack of Midazolam coverage when the focus is vaccine harms. Last time I checked Midazolam wasn't a vaccine (unless it's a vaccine against living?). I can also confirm HART did coverage of one of your key articles. They're not the enemy.

If you want to get angry at anybody, I'd say go after the mainsteam media for their total silence.

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I've never doubted HART and every other 'medical freedom' group their main focus is the jabs for 2+ years i'm simply pointing out now that more evidence has arrived (what happened in care homes, even hospitals) this is (by far) significantly more exposing to the 'pandemic' narrative and in comparison to jabs yet the analysis and concern is almost non existent. Don't tell me who i can and cannot criticise especially when my points raised are completely valid. I'm not here to 'make friends'. I'm here to get genuine comments of concern (or not) about the inquiry evidence i post about. That's it. Your last point is not credible as the msm HAVE actually covered the Scottish inquiry in particular far more than the 'alternative.' One only needs to search the various sites to prove this. I'm not angry at anyone either i'm just pointing out the stuff i'm passionate about which ultimately exposes (as much as i know the COVID inquiries are biased towards certain narratives) so too are those in the 'alt/freedom' space.

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I'm not sure HART's goal with this inquiry is 'exposing the pandemic narrative' so much as exposing the mRNA narrative to show it is harmful with the vaccine inquiry (the DNA contamination goes so far as to impact inherited genes; arguably a sight worse than mass poisoning). I think you're attempting to superimpose your goals and objectives onto theirs. You wouldn't like it if I criticised you for failing to cover the genocide in Palestine; and why would you? You want to cover the abuses in the so-called 'care' homes. You've got your topics, I've got mine, and they've got theirs.

If you're not angry, work towards befriending people, it's more conductive to cooperation. And frankly I wasn't telling you, it was a suggestion. If you attack people what do you think their reaction is going to be? It's going to be negative. Who is more likely to support your viewpoint? People with a negative view of you, or people with a positive view?

"the msm HAVE actually covered the Scottish inquiry in particular far more than the 'alternative.'"

If it is so widely reported in the mainstream media (which is not what you told me previously; I've never seen it reported in mainstream media), why do you need alternate media to cover it so badly? Either you're trying to argue this is a desperately suppressed story that mainstream media need to cover, or it isn't, at which point why are you attacking HART if you've achieved your goals to go mainstream?

The mRNA DNA integration harms are basically non-existent in mainstream media.

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'' I think you're attempting to superimpose your goals and objectives onto theirs.

Nope. HART and anyone else can do whatever they want i'm simply pointing out other evidence which i'm confident is more important and certainly worth more focus. All this talk of ''attacks'' is quite frankly embarassing because at the end of the day no one is above any sort of criticism and i've also 'attacked' no one. Also this 'alt' mindset of ''oh i maybe don't like this guy personally dso that means sod him and what he posts about''? Again, completely embarassing and pardoy level stuff in the ''freedom'' space and proves to me alot ot this is not actually about the truth but something else if you have to be 'liked' and or conform to a certain paradigm. As i said with regards to the msm vs 'alt' that is all easilly provable with some basic searching. Eg- 'alt' don't cover it at all or hardly at all (would be ZERO 'alt' coverage without my exposure of it) and it's forgotten about. MSM have covered it much more but mostly skewed to favour false gov narratives omitting lots of crucial details which i clearly demonstrate in my substacks. Gosh this is exhausting.

''The mRNA DNA integration harms are basically non-existent in mainstream media.''

-Yeah that's not suprising when they can't even cover testimony such as follows and sadly neither have the 'alt.'


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I think you're conflating my hypotheticals ("*if* you attack someone") with direct accusations. You can replace 'you' with 'I' if you prefer. If I attack someone, they're going to be less receptive to what I'm saying. It applies in general.

I did not say anybody is above criticism, I am merely pointing out human nature. People are more conductive to a point of view if the discussion is constructive as opposed to critical. This doesn't mean 'be silent you'; there might be more productive ways to achieve the same goal.

"this is not actually about the truth but something else if you have to be 'liked' and conform to a certain paradigm."

I did not suggest conformity. One can still tell the truth and be nice to people at the same time. Truth is not measured by how aggressive a criticism is.

"MSM have covered it much more but mostly skewed to favour false gov narratives omitting lots of crucial details"

Then, let us be frank, that isn't actual coverage, is it? That is just propaganda on their part. And they ought to be ripped for skewering the truth.

Lets not condemn people for their silence, and praise them for their respective coverage. I enjoy your coverage of the Scottish inquiry and the abuses, and I enjoy HART's coverage of the vaccine harms, and I have covered both (Midazolam murders and the mRNA DNA integration). You are one arm, they are another arm, and you're both part of the same body.

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People need to put more energy into commenting on the inquiry evidence (or not) than worrying or being concerned about what i post in comments. Where have i NOT been ''nice''? I'm a passionate Scotsman that speaks his mind and i type here what i'd say to people in real life. Are you like the substack version of the Twitter behaviour police? i do things my way, like it or don't and move on. Real life has bigger problems.

''Then, let us be frank, that isn't actual coverage, is it? That is just propaganda on their part. And they ought to be ripped for skewering the truth.''

-Yeah in case you haven't noticed that's what my substack is for but again the point still stands msm have done a 'better job' because at least they've acknowledged it's existence without ANY of my prompting. 'Alt' would never have even noticed the 'COVID' truth bombs if i hadn't raised it so repeatedly.

I don't agree it's condemnation when simply stating facts. I also think people misunderstand the situation with my substack. I'm not here for praise or to be liked nor could care less if no one shares or likes a single post because that doesn't make me look bad does it if so many 'awake/alt' people are unable to respect a sincere effort and the high credibility of the info which is the only real way of informing others without a tin foil hat label.

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Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?

Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted


Microscope Proves , chicken flu, Fraud.


More fakery from the wizards

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government


Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever


They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.







Dr Jane Ruby explains the genocidal Globalist agenda a must watch


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How about ''Let’s all expose the UK Covid Inquiry evidence'' instead?


1eg- UK COVID-19 inquiry|5 Feb 2025|Module 6 Preliminary Hearings

Jessica Jones-John’s campaign,Care Right’s UK,Patients Association

‘‘Loved ones were excluded and inspections suspended so that the eyes and ears which ensure safe care were reduced.’’

-Decision makers ignored the needs of those in care homes

-Harms of isolation may have outweighed the risk of ‘COVID-19’

-Restrictions caused avoidable harm

-End of life care inappropriate

-Oversight and safeguarding inadequate

-Restrictions against care home residents persisted far longer than the rest of society

-Blanket 14 day isolation policies IMPOSED ‘‘particularly harmful in terms of access to healthcare.’’

-Specilaist healthcare workers and essential caregivers suspended face to face visits

-Activities ‘‘crucial’’ to dementia patients and those with learning disabilities was withdrawn

-’Precedent set’ by pandemic. eg-Care homes restrictions for ANY infection

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Unfortunately I’ve a life ban on X, coincidentally for doing the very same thing you are doing, trying to warn people of the jab dangers. That doesn’t stop me wishing you good luck though 🫡

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Steve, the ONLY people taking more jabs at a high rate are sadly the very elderly in care homes most people are not even offered the injection and NHS staff in Scotland are around 75% refusal rate. The ''word is out'' what i want to know is why are 'medical freedom' groups relegating the CONFIRMED and ADMITTED care homes evidence which expose the roots of the ''pandemic'' in favour of a dead end? mRNA is here to stay. The ship has sailed. eg-Look at the Trump announcement. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/newwhat-happened-in-scottish-care

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I hear you, the only conclusion I can come up with is the so called ‘medical freedom’ groups giving evidence are nothing of the sort, I’ve been disappointed by the whole thing. There’s only Dr Mike Yeadon who truly tried to make a difference and the thanks he got was to be sidelined and smeared by the media. and ignored by his so called colleagues. Which really isn’t surprising when you consider the whole Covid debacle has been a scam and it continues to be I’m afraid. More power to you because the more people who realise the Covey jab is a depopulation strategy the better. I hope i haven’t come across to you as a conspiracy theorist nut job. Good luck.

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Here is a list of 'COVID' critics and ''outspoken'' voices that have no posts, articles or comments about damning Scottish COVID inquiry evidence from the HSC closing statements 27-28 Jun 2024 (or in most cases no posts at all vs 18 months of evidence). The most important of the 'COVID' era. When do we start?

@JMCDelingpole @JohnBoweActor @JuliaHB1 @lakaruppropet1 @lawrie_dr @LD_Sceptics @lensiseethrough @MaidmentRos @MakisMD @MartinKulldorff @mattletiss7 @MidwesternDoc @MMontclairre @MontgomeryToms @mottomeneki @NickHunt5 @OffGuardian0 @OTURISK @P_McCulloughMD @profnfenton @React19org @robinmonotti @sonia_elijah @Telegraph @thecoastguy @TheConWom @TheFreds @ThinkingSlow1 @TJamesRoyle1 @Togetherdec @ukcolumn @ukcvfamily @ukmfa1 @UsforThemUK @VIBUK_Official @Telegraph

@_aussie17 @1MikeFairclough @AaronKheriatyMD @alanvibe @ashTFE @bell00david @beverleyturner @carlheneghan @CarolinePover @ChildrensHD @danastingregory @danny__kruger @danwootton @DebiEvansMatron @DocAhmadMalik @Docs4PatientsUK @DrAseemMalhotra @DrBuckland @DrJBhattacharya @DrJohnB2 @Drs4CovidEthics @DrTeckKhong @EpochTimes @EstherMcVey1 @FreeWCH @GBNews @hicksyalex @Honest_Midwife

It's a big ''awake'' club too folks and they influence public ''opposition'' many of whom get you to pay for the privilege often for ''just the price of a cup of coffee.'' Remain critical not just in mainstream circles but even more so here.


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There’s a lot of shills in that list but also a good few honest brokers as well, I don’t know what to say, I suppose realistically it boils down to each of us to spread the word by sharing the truth to anyone who will listen. 🙏🏻

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TheRustler83 and some others were excluded from the list i posted. I'm blocked by a few 'COVID' critics on HART list for simply asking why no coverage of Scottish COVID inquiry for 18 months? Stunning. Ros Jones from HART told me said she cannot comment on care homes evidence as she was a paediatrician not a geriatrician. C'mon! Happy to way lyrical vs vaccines though but she is not a vaccinologist. Lord have mercy!

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It is a battle between good and evil, I know it’s a cliche but ultimately that’s what it is. As old as time itself. I know the good souls outnumber the bad ones and I take solace from that fact. The fact that certain people censor you speaks volumes. I for one would like to thank you, I appreciate it’s not easy to keep fighting for your and millions of others truths especially when it seems no one cares and of course progress maybe painstakingly slow but the truth will win. It has to… the alternative doesn’t bear thinking about. I might add no one escapes this place alive, but when it’s time to depart from this place I can only pray I still have a clear conscience because that’s all that ultimately matters and that’s what I aim to maintain. The same as millions of others.

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Come on Dave, you know that is not what I said. What I actually said was that as a retired paediatrician I thought I needed to concentrate on children as that is where my credentials lay. But had I not been trying to advocate for children, then the care homes disgrace is where I would have been. And it's was hard enough (ie impossible) to persuade the regulators not to approve this for kids. We've been pushing for a ban on all the mRNA vaccines for about 2 years now! But sadly the only thing the government did efficiently was the fear propaganda and the censorship which has meant that you and I and everyone trying to speak out has either been silenced or ridiculed. And now trying to sow division seems to be someone's number one aim and I don't know who though can guess why.

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Steve, if people are truly serious about exposing and stopping the jabs they'd be focusing on how the 'pandemic' started not distracting away from it.

Fyi- Even Yeadon told me to sod off (politely) when i was asking him to keep up posting the latest evidence from inquiries. eg- https://substack.com/@scottishcovidinquiry/note/c-87806635 He thinks he different from the rest but MO ends up the same when asked to step up to promote REAL evidence. Also told me three times Scottish evidence does NOT show no pandemic. His credibility plummeted to me after that and i no longer 'bother' him. He also defended Tess Lawrie when i brought up how she's said nothing despite knowing about Scottish inquiry. ''Other priorities'' mentioned. Yeah like travelling the world and making money as a 'freedom' voice in the new age movement? Nice work if you can get it. It's a big 'awake' (to profits) club too in my experience with a hierarchy that looks down on the public. https://anarchapulco.com/event/liberpulco-schedule-day-2/

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Both; not just the jab. Spike is a bioweapon. Doesn't matter how you get it, though that may affect how long it persist. (Granted, "mRNA" shots also contain the PEG allergen.) Yeadon can shove his "no virus" ruse.

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I always believed in viruses but Yeadon makes a compelling argument against them amongst others, I really don’t know what to think to be honest, I think the case for and against should be made at a later date because it detracts from what is happening right now with the Global scammers and their control mechanisms.

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Yeadon brooks no challenge to the non existence of viruses, unless he means something named 'Covid-19' when it was just a normal winter flu virus circulating. What is the purpose of 'coughs and sneezes'? The body's attempt to expel a URT virus can be explosive ( particles of virus spread far and wide), or, can be caught by a handkerchief but never every last viral particle. Yeadon can assert that viruses aren't circulating but he has no definitive evidence.

The material shared by Bp on his substack BiologyPhenom demands a national 'conversation' ( it is detailed and compelling), but now the 'conversation' has moved full and centre to ending the

seemingly never ending war in Ukraine. The Establishment want the 'covid episode' marched firmly away from the public's awareness - the UK version with Hallett is dutifully fulfilling the brief.

However, even that is the case, ever growing numbers know what was done to them their families and friends and neighbours- the truth is out and won't be sidelined or forgotten.

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'Covid-19' wasn't just a normal winter flu virus. It was impervious to amantadine.

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''The material shared by Bp on his substack BiologyPhenom demands a national 'conversation' ( it is detailed and compelling).''

A round of applause for that one! Instead we have almost no conversation. Any 'coverage' is short-lived and quickly forgotten about. Very limited exposure compared to the jab narrative.

About to upload even more shocking evidence from Scots inquiry missed from 2023 shortly.

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it would be great if investigative journalists took the time to critically examine the claims being made, rather than simply accepting the official narrative. No H5N1 "virus" has ever been directly purified, isolated from fluids, & scientifically proven to be pathogenic.

Here are resources to help your investigation:

1. Lack of purification/isolation.


2. No H5N1.


3. Genomic tricks.


4. The necessary scientific evidence required.


5. The fallacies of virology.


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Send diabolical space aliens Dorsey and Musk to Arcturus!

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Done, with pleasure !

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Re-stacked and x'd.

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What is "restack"? Does Substack define it? Dictionary.com redirects "restack" to "stack".

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