"As the debate continues, the need for accountability, transparency, and rigorous inquiry into vaccine safety signals remains critical". My question is has there ever been accountability, transparency and rigorous inquiry in the history of any vaccine?

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Speaking to regulatory oversight; In the U.S. the Department of Justice administer the laws involving charges against U.S. sited industries. Pfizer has since 2008, paid over $3.6 billion in total fines with $1.3 billion being fines for criminal charges. Most fines were for bribes and kickbacks to doctors. "Regulatory capture" is clearly in evidence in that all penalties issued were a function of what is essentially no contest pleas where no guilt is admitted and the corporate guilty NEVER do jail time. Nor do the so called "doctors" who took the bribes. In fact we never know the names of the physicians involved in the scheme. My thought is that these "doctors" were some of the same ones who pushed the questionable COV2 injections WITHOUT informing their patients of the risk/benefit profile. I might further assert that MOST Docs didn't even look up the REAL risks listed on the Pfizer website PRIOR to the easily foreseen rollout in 2022, never mind informing their trusting patients. The U.S. DOJ is running a protection racket, but I also believe every physician responsible for signing off on an injection either IN IGNORANCE of the risks or especially when they ARE AWARE of the risks and without obtaining informed consent, should be seriously examined for malpractice by some other layer of regulator like a medical board.

On a slightly different topic, one might ask if any of the fines paid by any or all of the Pharma guilty parties ( Pfizer, Moderna, AZ,Bayer et al) over the decades go directly to the VACCINE INJURED? Of any modern era?

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DO NO HARM ....to my medical license or practice.

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Soo, the bad batches were given to elderly people and high risk groups ........on purpose?

World law enforcement agencies must arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all former and present DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA, HHS and big pharma and big tech. executives involved for Crimes Against Humanity!

Fraud and homicide are ...not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

Nuremberg Code and RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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Good luck chasing down Fauci who, as a parting from Biden, received an Amnesty from prosecution for any offence committed right back to 2014.

What does that tell you.

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My guess is that is what is done with the flu shot on a regular basis - esp with what care home residents receive.

There is very little chance what was done with the COVID shot was all "first time"

Those are not the kind of chances these Ops take and employ.

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"These informal features contrast sharply with later works, such as his critique of Malhotra (2022), which employs polished academic language, including verbs like "underscores" and "demonstrates," alongside formal use of articles like "the" and "a.""

I've seen "underscores" in particular as suggestive that the text has been run through ChatGPT. Perhaps that is the explanation?

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