It's more like a back patting exercise than an Inquiry. It must be gut wrenching for those injured or whose relatives have died, to hear the lack of proper investigatory questions. It's all so carefully scripted, so carefully set up and so sanitised. I can imagine Hugo Keith and Hallett high fiving each other at the end of each session.
Here's the thing guys and the danger of labelling the UK COVID inquiry a 'whitewash' (although i do get where you are coming from) especially as Module 6 care homes evidence looms. You state:
''To present unasked and unanswered questions and vital evidence not covered by the Inquiry.''
Well i've always want to know why medical freedom groups like yourself and particularly UKMFA are ignoring discussing far more widely vital evidence that HAS BEEN covered by the inquiry in relation to harms on the most vulnerable which ultimately started 'the pandemic'?
I'd also be suprised if the 'COVID vaccine' issues you are concerned about were NOT covered in the massive 344 page witness statement by UKCV Family and or also within VIBUK or Scottish Vaccine Injury Groups evidence below.
So much focus on the jabs is distracting from other important revelations which are actually more serious given they are associated with the roots of 'the pandemic' but clearly almost one 'outspoken' wants to go there including 'Daily Sceptic' and 'Conservative Woman.' This is another very important part of the 'COVID' story for me that is now documented.
Having been an avid reader and regular reposter of biologyphenom's work, I can back up what he's saying. The Scottish COVID-19 inquiry has revealed some dark truths about the matter - not that the mainstream media has covered a single one. The absence of reporting on the inquiry is damning in it's own right. A whitewash would typically be televised and broadcast end-to-end, non-stop; we would not expect the crickets we see.
The Scottish COVID-19 has covered *some* vaccine injuries, and they have refused by claiming the scope of the inquiry is COVID-19 (despite the fact the shots obviously fall under that), but I wouldn't dismiss everything there. A lot of witness testimonies on the DNRs being forced upon the elderly are included. I recognise where HART is coming from, but I agree with biologyphenom - don't toss the baby out with the bathwater.
Really respect that comment and also the consistent genuine support you've shown to help highlight important yet ignored (by both mainstream and popular 'alt'/'freedom' media) inquiry evidence to a wider auidience. The REAL cover-up is actually coming from the popular dissidents that point blank refuse or have refused to CONSISTENTLY highlight/focus in on the evidence that HAS BEEN unveiled. See what i'm trying to demonstrate here-
The Scottish COVID inquiry returns next week and module 6 care home looms at UKCV19 inquiry. I'm confident the UKCV19 inquiry ''whitewash'' proponents are going to look even more foolish. It's possible this 'whitewash' narrative is another psyop.
I think in terms of mRNA shot harms coverage the inquiry has been lacking, but in terms of everything else it has been damning, more damning than the UK inquiry and certainly worth looking over. It certainly shows evidence the government will harm the people to achieve an agenda.
I think what you're facing isn't a PsyOp, it's reasonable cynicism. The idea that any part of a government could hold any sort of truthful inquiry with the harms they have foisted does beg belief, but your documentation of the inquiry prompts a worthwhile second look.
Would agree with that the UKCV19 inquiry has been far superior to Scottish vs 'COVID vaccine' harms. Although Scots vax Injury group have core participant statuts here and should get a chance at some point this year. It's stuff like this that is just not being highlighted within 'alt' media etc that is depressing.
Well i think that's what i mean is that the cynisism itself IS the psyop in that i suspect most of the 'whitewash' proponents haven't even watched a full evidence session not read a single witness statement. A form of learned helplessness. eg-Testmony like this goes unreported no matter who i send it to from 'Dr' Campbell to many others.
To be fair, if it wasn't for your reporting on the inquiry, I would have automatically assumed it to be a whitewash based on the prior history of government "inquiries", such as the paedophilia Westminister abuse inquiry, the 'Climate-gate' Anglia Ruskin fraud whitewash investigation and the non-existent inquiry in the rape gangs, besides others I'm sure I'm forgetting. The only reason the inquiry isn't a major whitewash is I believe due solely to the impassioned speeches from the victims of this tyranny.
Yes, i can understand the whole mindset with 'whitewash' but it's really not ...the evidence is all there especially in Scotland. The inquiries are without a doubt biased towards certain fallacies (a tactic to get people to switch off and it works) but it's surely the job of the 'alt' media and COVID sceptics to highlight this ALONG WITH the actual evidence stated or within the statements which is NOT focused on by inquiry? There are NO excuses.
‘It seems to many of our members that their loved ones suffered discriminatory treatment through the use of frailty scoring to prioritise, refuse and withdraw treatment and that their loved ones were neglected in hospital because they were `’old.’’
-Paragraph 38 of statement
One member has informed us tha their father's DNACPR was signed upon his admission to hospital even though he was admitted practically unconscious and unable to consent.’’
Mr. Phenomenon. Exactly what are the "important revelations" to which you refer. Out with it please.A synopsis is in order. If they're so important then please reveal them.Your clips are deadly boring and decidedly uninteresting. While you're at it please let us know how these "important revelations" have been depicted in the mainstream media. Citations please. Let us know where these "revelations" have been shown as legitimate claims BESIDES this ( and related) site (s). Information is un"important" unless it is readily available and consumable. There would have been no "pandemic" if correct information was made available for mass consumption. Even the crap you show here is not in the kind of nuggets modern society demands. You and I might wade through it but that's irrelevant.
It's biologyPHENOM not phenomenon. Jeesh after posting all that out i need to explain? The clips are self explanatory and clearly outline why they are important. NB:They are not 'MY CLIPS' it's simply footage taken from a public inquiry. So basically what you're saying is that 'modern society' has become so lazy and numb to reality including 'team freedom/awake' it's boring for them and they prefer to be entertained with falsehoods and distractions where many even get to pay their favourite guru/group for the privilege? I'd mostly agree with that.
Here is what module 6 UKCV19 inquiry preliminary hearings revealled so far and if this is not important to those 'speaking out' what will be?
-Decision makers ignored the needs of those in care homes
-Harms of isolation may have outweighed the risk of ‘COVID-19’
-Restrictions caused avoidable harm
-End of life care inappropriate
-Oversight and safeguarding inadequate
-Restrictions against care home residents persisted far longer than the rest of society
-Blanket 14 day isolation policies IMPOSED ‘‘particularly harmful in terms of access to healthcare.’’
-Specilaist healthcare workers and essential caregivers suspended face to face visits
-Activities ‘‘crucial’’ to dementia patients and those with learning disabilities was withdrawn
-’Precedent set’ by pandemic. eg-Care home restrictions for ANY infection
If a man summarises a work in his own words he's accused of deceptive practices, and if he quotes the full length of evidence, he's accused of being boring. Only in the eyes of a critic is the man trying to do right is always deemed wrong.
Biologyphenom's work has included:
- Revealing inappropriate uses of midazolam, even on patients who had only minor ailments
- Mass blanket DNR notices put upon elderly patients without their consent
- Reporting of vaccine injuries, even if they aren't within the scope of the inquiry
- Education harms to school lockdowns
- Families unable to see even dying family members because they might put the dying family member at risk (???)
- Lonely individuals abandoned to suffer and die
- Deterioration of the elderly in "care" homes during the lockdowns even though their suffering was unnecessary
- Nurses denied access to family even though they knew and could follow the COVID-19 protocols
- Police fining and arresting individuals even when they weren't acting inappropriately
- Medical staff being allowed to kidnap family members, even when they were refusing admittance into hospital
There's far more. You should sign up and read biologyphenom's postings. He provides the quotes from the inquiry and does his best to highlight the most damning segments. It is his Substack's raison d'etre.
Again, very much appreciate the common sense comments. The inquiry evidence i have highlighted has weirdly demonstrated many people apparently concerned about COVID facts and real truth much prefer to REJECT IT when shown. All i have ever done whether on Twitter or here is stood by the credibility of the actual evidence unveiled at public inquiry and am often astounded the lack of urgent discussion around it by those in the 'truther/freedom' space that will have campaigns organised and 2 hour podcasts over all sorts.
''Being unpopular is never easy; but being unpopular in a good cause is a shield against despair.''
“Deadly boring and uninteresting” I tend to avoid debates that insult fellow freedom fighters but I’m afraid John that I can’t let this one go. The inquiries as a whole can be like watching paint dry but biologyphenom has succinctly summarised key points from hundreds of hours of evidence given by real people who suffered most dreadfully. Their testimonies would have been lost due to the absence of media reporting. As a person with a low boredom threshold, I’ve been interested in every clip and analysis and very grateful for them.
Has anyone tried to launch ad campaigns involving major sporting events or full page layouts in the New York Times or billboards highlighting important facts regarding safety, efficacy and risk analysis features? I realize ignorance originated deaf ears are a problem but if enough FEAR about the negative health consequences can be fomented its possible big pharma can be beaten at their own game. Excess deaths spelled out in no uncertain terms might be a place to start. Perhaps an ongoing recitation of those deaths on Times Square billboards might gain some notoriety. Publicly shaming particular doctors by name and by citing their complicity in the max vax efforts could raise a few eyebrows. If docs choose to sue then relevant data will become publicly accessible, an action which would be self incriminating. Worldwide vigils in the name of the vax victims, interruptions of government proceedings as in Code Pink may signal some to the seriousness of this cause. The State of Montana's potential outlawing of the administering of mRna injections could also pave the way toward a wider rejection of pharma's various snake oils. As long as people fear the disease more than the accepted cure then nothing will change.
The notion that vaccination is designed to protect the individual not the populace needs to be emphasized in our textbooks and during our lectures so that there is no confusion about the reason for being vaccinated. Education is absolutely fundamental for average people to understand what real risk is and has been in a historical context. For example, that for the entirety of its existence as a species ( around +-4000 generations) humanity has successfully faced and defeated all manner of constantly mutating and evolving viruses. Viruses are a natural and expected component of the natural world. We have nothing to fear from viruses. They are encountered in myriad ways through respiration and eating in their millions and billions every day by every individual. Around 200K types of viruses abound in seawater at the rate of 50 M per teaspoon making them the most diverse and numerous non-living organism on the planet ( one followed by thirty zeros in number). Most of these are phages which destroy bacteria and without which the entire planet would no doubt be covered in a blanket of bacteria in short order.
Overall I think you're right. However, in states such as Kansas where the State A.G. is currently suing Pfizer for misrepresenting its product(s)and in Florida where the state S.G. has recommended against injections for a majority of residents and in Montana as cited above and perhaps in Texas which has a strong emancipated population which refused many of the more preposterous restrictions imposed from above, also in Sweden, not know as a trend setter and elsewhere where truth may be trickling out..... such a proposition as outlined may be feasible. It may seem like a long shot and a bit of "preaching to the choir" in those places mentioned in this text but there is nothing wrong with setting this kind of precedent.
Hart's has been and continues to be a fine resource and I am somewhat cautiously optimistic that a breakthrough can be achieved using the parameters they have set for themselves. Where and when that will occur and in what form is guess work. Persistence is important and becomes rather satisfying and self reinforcing as results spring forth. I think projecting the theme of true science and medicine in society has paid off in the form of RFKjr and the WHO pullout.
Physically facing the narrative believers is a daunting task where because of cognitive dissonance and workplace/social pressures to the contrary these folks seem almost unreachable. This process of exposing oneself to unwarranted ridicule is kind of embarrassing but retaining one's integrity is paramount in many aspects of existence not the least of which are body and mind.
It's more like a back patting exercise than an Inquiry. It must be gut wrenching for those injured or whose relatives have died, to hear the lack of proper investigatory questions. It's all so carefully scripted, so carefully set up and so sanitised. I can imagine Hugo Keith and Hallett high fiving each other at the end of each session.
Here's the thing guys and the danger of labelling the UK COVID inquiry a 'whitewash' (although i do get where you are coming from) especially as Module 6 care homes evidence looms. You state:
''To present unasked and unanswered questions and vital evidence not covered by the Inquiry.''
Well i've always want to know why medical freedom groups like yourself and particularly UKMFA are ignoring discussing far more widely vital evidence that HAS BEEN covered by the inquiry in relation to harms on the most vulnerable which ultimately started 'the pandemic'?
and nothing to see here?
I'd also be suprised if the 'COVID vaccine' issues you are concerned about were NOT covered in the massive 344 page witness statement by UKCV Family and or also within VIBUK or Scottish Vaccine Injury Groups evidence below.
So much focus on the jabs is distracting from other important revelations which are actually more serious given they are associated with the roots of 'the pandemic' but clearly almost one 'outspoken' wants to go there including 'Daily Sceptic' and 'Conservative Woman.' This is another very important part of the 'COVID' story for me that is now documented.
Having been an avid reader and regular reposter of biologyphenom's work, I can back up what he's saying. The Scottish COVID-19 inquiry has revealed some dark truths about the matter - not that the mainstream media has covered a single one. The absence of reporting on the inquiry is damning in it's own right. A whitewash would typically be televised and broadcast end-to-end, non-stop; we would not expect the crickets we see.
The Scottish COVID-19 has covered *some* vaccine injuries, and they have refused by claiming the scope of the inquiry is COVID-19 (despite the fact the shots obviously fall under that), but I wouldn't dismiss everything there. A lot of witness testimonies on the DNRs being forced upon the elderly are included. I recognise where HART is coming from, but I agree with biologyphenom - don't toss the baby out with the bathwater.
Really respect that comment and also the consistent genuine support you've shown to help highlight important yet ignored (by both mainstream and popular 'alt'/'freedom' media) inquiry evidence to a wider auidience. The REAL cover-up is actually coming from the popular dissidents that point blank refuse or have refused to CONSISTENTLY highlight/focus in on the evidence that HAS BEEN unveiled. See what i'm trying to demonstrate here-
The thing is we've had the entire MO of 'COVID' unveiled at Scottish inquiry, everything any 'outspoken' critic could ever wish for and what did we see as a result? Not alot.
The Scottish COVID inquiry returns next week and module 6 care home looms at UKCV19 inquiry. I'm confident the UKCV19 inquiry ''whitewash'' proponents are going to look even more foolish. It's possible this 'whitewash' narrative is another psyop.
Here is some of the COVID 'vaccine' testimony from Scotland in case you missed it.
I think in terms of mRNA shot harms coverage the inquiry has been lacking, but in terms of everything else it has been damning, more damning than the UK inquiry and certainly worth looking over. It certainly shows evidence the government will harm the people to achieve an agenda.
I think what you're facing isn't a PsyOp, it's reasonable cynicism. The idea that any part of a government could hold any sort of truthful inquiry with the harms they have foisted does beg belief, but your documentation of the inquiry prompts a worthwhile second look.
Would agree with that the UKCV19 inquiry has been far superior to Scottish vs 'COVID vaccine' harms. Although Scots vax Injury group have core participant statuts here and should get a chance at some point this year. It's stuff like this that is just not being highlighted within 'alt' media etc that is depressing.
Well i think that's what i mean is that the cynisism itself IS the psyop in that i suspect most of the 'whitewash' proponents haven't even watched a full evidence session not read a single witness statement. A form of learned helplessness. eg-Testmony like this goes unreported no matter who i send it to from 'Dr' Campbell to many others.
To be fair, if it wasn't for your reporting on the inquiry, I would have automatically assumed it to be a whitewash based on the prior history of government "inquiries", such as the paedophilia Westminister abuse inquiry, the 'Climate-gate' Anglia Ruskin fraud whitewash investigation and the non-existent inquiry in the rape gangs, besides others I'm sure I'm forgetting. The only reason the inquiry isn't a major whitewash is I believe due solely to the impassioned speeches from the victims of this tyranny.
Yes, i can understand the whole mindset with 'whitewash' but it's really not ...the evidence is all there especially in Scotland. The inquiries are without a doubt biased towards certain fallacies (a tactic to get people to switch off and it works) but it's surely the job of the 'alt' media and COVID sceptics to highlight this ALONG WITH the actual evidence stated or within the statements which is NOT focused on by inquiry? There are NO excuses.
‘It seems to many of our members that their loved ones suffered discriminatory treatment through the use of frailty scoring to prioritise, refuse and withdraw treatment and that their loved ones were neglected in hospital because they were `’old.’’
-Paragraph 38 of statement
One member has informed us tha their father's DNACPR was signed upon his admission to hospital even though he was admitted practically unconscious and unable to consent.’’
-Paragraph 34 of statement
Mr. Phenomenon. Exactly what are the "important revelations" to which you refer. Out with it please.A synopsis is in order. If they're so important then please reveal them.Your clips are deadly boring and decidedly uninteresting. While you're at it please let us know how these "important revelations" have been depicted in the mainstream media. Citations please. Let us know where these "revelations" have been shown as legitimate claims BESIDES this ( and related) site (s). Information is un"important" unless it is readily available and consumable. There would have been no "pandemic" if correct information was made available for mass consumption. Even the crap you show here is not in the kind of nuggets modern society demands. You and I might wade through it but that's irrelevant.
It's biologyPHENOM not phenomenon. Jeesh after posting all that out i need to explain? The clips are self explanatory and clearly outline why they are important. NB:They are not 'MY CLIPS' it's simply footage taken from a public inquiry. So basically what you're saying is that 'modern society' has become so lazy and numb to reality including 'team freedom/awake' it's boring for them and they prefer to be entertained with falsehoods and distractions where many even get to pay their favourite guru/group for the privilege? I'd mostly agree with that.
Here is what module 6 UKCV19 inquiry preliminary hearings revealled so far and if this is not important to those 'speaking out' what will be?
-Decision makers ignored the needs of those in care homes
-Harms of isolation may have outweighed the risk of ‘COVID-19’
-Restrictions caused avoidable harm
-End of life care inappropriate
-Oversight and safeguarding inadequate
-Restrictions against care home residents persisted far longer than the rest of society
-Blanket 14 day isolation policies IMPOSED ‘‘particularly harmful in terms of access to healthcare.’’
-Specilaist healthcare workers and essential caregivers suspended face to face visits
-Activities ‘‘crucial’’ to dementia patients and those with learning disabilities was withdrawn
-’Precedent set’ by pandemic. eg-Care home restrictions for ANY infection
Full clip here-
Not so much of a whitewash afterall.
If a man summarises a work in his own words he's accused of deceptive practices, and if he quotes the full length of evidence, he's accused of being boring. Only in the eyes of a critic is the man trying to do right is always deemed wrong.
Biologyphenom's work has included:
- Revealing inappropriate uses of midazolam, even on patients who had only minor ailments
- Mass blanket DNR notices put upon elderly patients without their consent
- Reporting of vaccine injuries, even if they aren't within the scope of the inquiry
- Education harms to school lockdowns
- Families unable to see even dying family members because they might put the dying family member at risk (???)
- Lonely individuals abandoned to suffer and die
- Deterioration of the elderly in "care" homes during the lockdowns even though their suffering was unnecessary
- Nurses denied access to family even though they knew and could follow the COVID-19 protocols
- Police fining and arresting individuals even when they weren't acting inappropriately
- Medical staff being allowed to kidnap family members, even when they were refusing admittance into hospital
There's far more. You should sign up and read biologyphenom's postings. He provides the quotes from the inquiry and does his best to highlight the most damning segments. It is his Substack's raison d'etre.
Again, very much appreciate the common sense comments. The inquiry evidence i have highlighted has weirdly demonstrated many people apparently concerned about COVID facts and real truth much prefer to REJECT IT when shown. All i have ever done whether on Twitter or here is stood by the credibility of the actual evidence unveiled at public inquiry and am often astounded the lack of urgent discussion around it by those in the 'truther/freedom' space that will have campaigns organised and 2 hour podcasts over all sorts.
''Being unpopular is never easy; but being unpopular in a good cause is a shield against despair.''
– Roger Scruton
“Deadly boring and uninteresting” I tend to avoid debates that insult fellow freedom fighters but I’m afraid John that I can’t let this one go. The inquiries as a whole can be like watching paint dry but biologyphenom has succinctly summarised key points from hundreds of hours of evidence given by real people who suffered most dreadfully. Their testimonies would have been lost due to the absence of media reporting. As a person with a low boredom threshold, I’ve been interested in every clip and analysis and very grateful for them.
Excellent work. So grateful to these amazing and courageous professionals.
Has anyone tried to launch ad campaigns involving major sporting events or full page layouts in the New York Times or billboards highlighting important facts regarding safety, efficacy and risk analysis features? I realize ignorance originated deaf ears are a problem but if enough FEAR about the negative health consequences can be fomented its possible big pharma can be beaten at their own game. Excess deaths spelled out in no uncertain terms might be a place to start. Perhaps an ongoing recitation of those deaths on Times Square billboards might gain some notoriety. Publicly shaming particular doctors by name and by citing their complicity in the max vax efforts could raise a few eyebrows. If docs choose to sue then relevant data will become publicly accessible, an action which would be self incriminating. Worldwide vigils in the name of the vax victims, interruptions of government proceedings as in Code Pink may signal some to the seriousness of this cause. The State of Montana's potential outlawing of the administering of mRna injections could also pave the way toward a wider rejection of pharma's various snake oils. As long as people fear the disease more than the accepted cure then nothing will change.
The notion that vaccination is designed to protect the individual not the populace needs to be emphasized in our textbooks and during our lectures so that there is no confusion about the reason for being vaccinated. Education is absolutely fundamental for average people to understand what real risk is and has been in a historical context. For example, that for the entirety of its existence as a species ( around +-4000 generations) humanity has successfully faced and defeated all manner of constantly mutating and evolving viruses. Viruses are a natural and expected component of the natural world. We have nothing to fear from viruses. They are encountered in myriad ways through respiration and eating in their millions and billions every day by every individual. Around 200K types of viruses abound in seawater at the rate of 50 M per teaspoon making them the most diverse and numerous non-living organism on the planet ( one followed by thirty zeros in number). Most of these are phages which destroy bacteria and without which the entire planet would no doubt be covered in a blanket of bacteria in short order.
Advertisers will block anything critical of the government narrative.
Overall I think you're right. However, in states such as Kansas where the State A.G. is currently suing Pfizer for misrepresenting its product(s)and in Florida where the state S.G. has recommended against injections for a majority of residents and in Montana as cited above and perhaps in Texas which has a strong emancipated population which refused many of the more preposterous restrictions imposed from above, also in Sweden, not know as a trend setter and elsewhere where truth may be trickling out..... such a proposition as outlined may be feasible. It may seem like a long shot and a bit of "preaching to the choir" in those places mentioned in this text but there is nothing wrong with setting this kind of precedent.
Hart's has been and continues to be a fine resource and I am somewhat cautiously optimistic that a breakthrough can be achieved using the parameters they have set for themselves. Where and when that will occur and in what form is guess work. Persistence is important and becomes rather satisfying and self reinforcing as results spring forth. I think projecting the theme of true science and medicine in society has paid off in the form of RFKjr and the WHO pullout.
Physically facing the narrative believers is a daunting task where because of cognitive dissonance and workplace/social pressures to the contrary these folks seem almost unreachable. This process of exposing oneself to unwarranted ridicule is kind of embarrassing but retaining one's integrity is paramount in many aspects of existence not the least of which are body and mind.
It's government. Legal opinion trumps scientific evidence. So much for his majesty's parliament. It isn't ours.
Thank you. It’s so very disappointing.