I'm not even sure that the NHS is aware of the actual number of how many unvaccinated that there are. I for one, am still receiving texts to get Booster shots and I've never been vaccinated in the first place. In fact, I'd go further and state that the NHS is clueless about who has and hasn't been vaccinated and this suits them just fine, as they can pluck numbers ou of the thin air to suit their objectives.

I might add that I caught (I assume) Covid 19 in December 2020 (I was then 76 and had had 2 heart attacks) and was sick for about 5 days, I had antibiotics and recovered completely and as far as I know, I haven't caught it again since, although I had what might be mild Covid symptoms for a couple of days, about 2 years ago. Elsewise, my immune system works just fine, I don't get colds and it's 40+ years since I've had the flu.

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