Imo opinion he wasn't outspoken. He found issues in his patients reactions to the V, wrote to the authorities asking for guidance. That's simply doing his job. Language matters.

He then went public because of the depth of his concerns and the authoritarian reaction.

How about instead

'Dictatorial medical authority sees the serious errors of its ways and halts court action against an innocent professional '?

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Hope he can sue the medical board for damages to him his family and his patients

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check out and read carefully a petition at citizen go.org..say no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic treaty be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world..also be aware citizengo are an independent organisation which simply mens that no government can interfere with or censor and suppress this petition FACT..it currently has over 208,000 signatures

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Congrats! Facts and Truth wins!

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truth teler mrnis dangerous

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