I don't know a single Vaxxer who is aware of the excess death numbers.

I assume that if any of them are aware - they blame the deaths on long covid - cuz that's what bbccnn told them to believe

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I have 2 maybe 3 family members who took the intervention that are now aware of the excess deaths. 1 of them had it under pressure from the other 2. She partook in 1 for travel reasons, and has refused any since. The other is elderly, poorly (turbo cancer) and also refused the last 3 boosts. The other my younger brother has just had 3 tents fitted after a sudden unexplained heart incident. He also refused the boosts. A little too late. However, they are in a tiny minority. I wonder if the intervention neutralises critical thinking.

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my Covidian cousin has now got a heart monitor installed, having had a "funny turn" about 18 months ago. She has believed everything - the deadliness of the virus, the efficacy of the masks and social restrictions, the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines, the fact that they are vaccines and that there were absolutely no other medical solutions available. She believes the people who died were snatched away by the lethality of the virus, not by intubation or Midazolam. Only yesterday, she told me that all her current (and numerous) health issues are, according to her new doctor, undoubtedly due to Long Covid - she had all the jabs available yet had covid 3 times (frequent self-tester syndrome) so obviously it's long covid. I think it will be yet another chronic life-long condition which will need plenty of prescription drugs to control. But she thinks she's one of the lucky ones because neither covid nor long covid have killed her - like they have so many unfortunate ones around the world.

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This person is what I refer to as a TFI - Total F789ing Idiot

More Boosters will finish the job

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I will take Hart's word for it that the politicians are managing to work through the stages of grief, for myself I am stuck on anger and cannot get by this stage. I personally do not give our duplicitous members of parliament the credit for having any emotions that would involve the 5 stages of grief.

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We have a morbidity problem too but that gets less attention. Hundreds of thousands have left the workforce. Big employers fill the vacancies with overseas workers, hence record immigration, creating problems in housing and public services, leading to social unrest. The huge rise in government spending creates upward pressure on interest rates and hence mortgage costs. The second and third order effects from the government’s mismanagement of the “pandemic” are far-reaching and will last a generation. You can’t fix a problem if you’re in denial about the root cause.

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Those immigrants were coming here whether we like it or not thanks to Treason May signing the migration pact to bring millions here.

Half a million were shipped in alone in 2020 when we were supposed to be in the middle of a deadly pandemic, yes they knew it was that deadly they allowed migration to this country to go into full force.

Apart from the ones who have come from Hong Kong with money which put pressure on the housing market scooping properties up before they even got here.

All the others contribute zilch as they suck the social housing and all other services plus resources dry without paying a single penny towards the vast amounts they are consuming.

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Cardiovascular deaths are so common in the Western world that any number of reasons can be thought up to explain a rise from what would be expected as 'normal'. I think that the truth regarding excess deaths will never be admitted by anyone in the National 'Health Service', the rest of the civil service, academia or the political establishment. MP's will *not* be hit with any case of depression as that would require them possessing a conscience, which none of them do.

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....ah, but to go through the 'stages of grief', governments and medical 'onsiders' would have to feel it! They have shown no understanding of the term relative to what they did from 2020-2022....all they understand is 'damage limitation' to themselves, which is what the Article seems to aim to convey. ( I think!).

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Stage 6 — Retribution

Arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

Nuremberg Code and RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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