Indeed. All true. But Biden approaching African States? Biden couldn’t find an open door!

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Let’s hope the UK takes a cue from the US

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WHO is the front for the biggest crime organization ever. We need to expose COVID Crimes


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It's a good move to leave WHO of course but i read US funding is maintained for another 12 months. The facts also show within DAYS as President Donald Trump STILL proud father of the 'COVID vaccine' has met with Pfizer, Bill Gates, attended the World Economic Forum (complete with a gushing introduction from Klaus Schwab) and just approved $500 billion for AI 'Stargate' programme aswell as giving support to mRNA cancer vaccines. This is who the ''freedom'' movement now trust? I had a back and forth with Prof Fenton over the following comment.

''One of the main reasons we wrote the book was BECAUSE the jabs are still ongoing and because most pople are completely unaware of the extent to which they were misled. The celebration was just for the release of the book and most people were very happy about the election of Trump.''


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I heard on The Corbett Report that Trump pulled money away from the WHO and gave it to Bill Gates who runs the WHO anyway! See 'Executive Orders for Everyone', New World Next Week January 28th.

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Thank you. We need the truth on health, not organisations, guidance for life, a manual for life.

Or if you will immanuel for life, God with us.


As to the WHO I hope all countries including the UK will exit as fast as possible.


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And we can see from some of the failed vaccine projects by the supranational agencies such as GAVI that we cannot assume that the approach that may improve health outcomes in one nation will be possible in another.

The desire to vaccinate people against, say rubella, blinded decision makers to the risks in developing nations that have meant vaccine programmes could not be consistently delivered and this led to an increase in birth defects caused by Rubella in some areas.

Clean drinking water (without added fluoride!) and a decent sewage system would be a more appropriate first milestone in developing countries, especially where risk assessments are not carried out adequately or they are ignored.

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Vaccines are inappropriate in any country. One is injecting the alleged disease causing agent into people. One cannot expect anything more than disease to occur if anything.

Supposed benefits are merely from twisted statistics. Vaccines are the biggest deceit foisted on the world.


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