"Assisted dying" is really just state sponsored suicide. An obvious problem is that it enables manipulation of the vulnerable by others who wish to do away with them. The bad son who wants his mother's money. The evil doctor who enjoys the idea of ending the lives of others (Harold Shipman). The wife who wants her tiresome husband out of the way. Even the government, which wants to reduce the burden on the state of the disabled. Any of these people and more have strong motives for persuading someone else to commit suicide. And what better opportunity, than a government program expressly designed to assist with the process?

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Hi Stephen - agree with what you say, but rather than "state sponsored suicide", I would call it state sponsored murder...

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Hi Eleanor - good point. We live in a sick society. The next step will probably be to encourage the victims to donate their organs for transplants.

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Yuck... hadn't thought of that...

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Yes. It took me a while to accept that we are being 'depopulated', intentionally and systemically, in numbers that dwarf any previous genocide. The boarding school system is the grooming for the psychopaths (notably Johnson, Blair, Cameron, Osborne, King Charles, Welby, and many women too). Nick Duffell wrote brilliantly about it in 'Wounded Leaders'.

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There's a new book out from Children's Health Defense which I believe highlights the use of the medical system in the context of the depopulation agenda. The population statistics in the West clearly show declining birth rates and rising death rates. The book is titled 'The Medical-Pharmaceutical Killing Machine'.

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Yes, but it would seem to be the case, that the issue of 'assisted dying' [sic] has more to do with the state's inability to deliver health care than any alleged issue over 'morality', laughable from a government that's been delivering 'assisted dying' to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians through its arms deliveries to a genocidal entity called Israel. How on earth can we expect such a government to deliver ethical and compassionate care to people in such dire circumstances when it can't deliver ethical and compassionate care to vast sections of the population?

I might add that the comment in this article about the alleged values of 'liberal democracy' is a complete fiction. It's liberal democracy that's led us to this situation.

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I agree with your comments William. Not only do we have an nhs that can’t satisfactorily treat the sick, ( numbers growing, more complex problems etc and reduced spending power of nhs budgets)but we now have governments, colluding with big pharma, to prolong “ living”, rather than prevent health issues from an early age with dietary, metabolic, exercise, sleep quality measures. A patient cured is a big pharma patient lost to the nhs, ie, fewer drugs prescribed, less profits. Now we have disclosed that not only is it the big pharma that’s making people sick/ dependent, it’s the closely financially linked food industry. The infamous Ancel keys industry sponsored vilification of Fats, imploring people to eat cereals/ sugars, leading to epidemic proportions of type 2 diabetes and obesity . Both of these conditions are completely reversible,along with metabolic syndrome, by adopting lifestyle changes, removing the dependency on big pharma. So the great irony is, that the big government/ pharma/ agricultural industry triad has created this problem, now it does not have the nhs means to manage it. The double irony within Heathcare, was that

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I will resume: The double irony within Heathcare is that Aneurin be a falsely believed that the Heath of the nation was directly proportional to the level of investment in Heath. False, as it’s a bell shaped curve, which we have surpassed many years ago. Secondly, successive governments ( both conservator and labour in equal measure) have aided and abetted industry projects to make people sicker. When I was a junior doctor in the early 1990’s, I do not recall ever seeing lots of patients with dementia/ cognitive impairment/ ADHD ( Ritalin did not exist)/ Autism/ neural diversity/ “ mental Heath” issues etc, etc, etc. These are the diseases of the new millennium, in huge numbers, ( let alone obesity, which is now apparently a reason for not even holding down employment) plus type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome which are making the nation sicker. If one believes in a paternalistic/ centralised system of Heathcare, where “ government experts” ( technocracy) knows best, then continue down that pathway at your peril, as the nhs has no capacity to support you. Alternatively, seeking and adopting an individualistic / functional approach to heathcare and addressing one’s lifestyle issues ( so no quick fixes for obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, , depression, mental Heath,), with a concomitantly reduced risk of dementia, would hugely reduce the burden in the nhs? However, the occupants of the corridors of Whitehall power know full well that such measures would seize up the economic cogs, breaking the status quo, undermining big pharma/ food industries etc. So let’s not put ourselves under any delusions, all post war governments have been disingenuous about this issue of “ prolonging life” irrespective of the circumstances. THEY( The Hierarchy Exploits you) have no incentive for making any change in the Heathcare system, as long as THEY secure and perpetuate THEIR financial future.

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From the start of the C19 Debacle, a young Swedish doctor, Sebastian Rushworth, working in A & E, wrote many articles about C19 on Patreon - he also wrote a book "Covid: Why most of what you know is wrong (2021) - but one thing he said really struck me, namely, that in six years of study only about six hours were given to nutrition... I think that about sums up the medical profession... a thought: why are doctors called Medical Doctors rather than Health Doctors... people have been medicalized from birth 'til death. One solution is to restore the soils and eliminate toxins from our food and water supplies; that way, we will alleviate our health systems by being healthy. By the way, I prefer to view the mantra of "prolonging life" as "prolonging death"!!! (I say this as an 80-year old.)

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PS - I am also against The Assisted Dying Bill...

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Hi Eleanor I hope you don’t mind me asking.

Do you know what happened to Sebastian?

I used to follow him and read his articles too and then in the last scopulae of years I seem to have “lost” him.

He was such a good balanced voice and his book was perfect for friends and family who were quite aware of what was happening.

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Hi Eva - yes, I learnt a lot from his balanced view on all sorts of heath issues, not just Covid and was sorry he vanished. Your remark promoted me to look him up again and found www.sebastianrushworth.com; there is nothing there yet, except "Something new is coming." ... so hopefully he intends continuing his good insights...

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Ahh that sounds promising and exciting! Thank you for checking and sharing. I will absolutely stand by him, he’s an honourable man.

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Yes, I followed Rushworth, found him via Malcolm Kendrick but then he vanished and as far asI know, he hasn't resurfaced.

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in a nutshell, it's the entire Western way of life, diet and 'lifestyle' is just the tip of the iceberg.

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Heartily agree with all you write. If adopted, assisted suicide will be another downward step to the destruction of society. The eternal aspects of this are hardly considered. We are eternal beings who will have to account for our lives. May God lead many to see He has a way for those who will put their trust in Jesus. The reality of Psalm 23.

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We can disguise it in more socially acceptable terminology but it's still suicide which any caring society should be working to prevent as far as possible. It’s therefore ironic that Canada is the home to an organisation called Living Works, cited as the world leader in suicide intervention and prevention skills training. Their programmes have been translated into many languages and for over forty years have helped to keep communities safer from suicide. Living Works originated in response to the high number of suicides on the Toronto transport system and was so successful in reducing the number of suicides that it spread throughout the country and to the rest of the world, including the UK. It's even more ironic then that the London transport system is being used to promote rather than prevent suicide.

Living Works approach the topic of assisted dying in the same way as when people express thoughts of accessing any other intentional means to end their lives. This can only lead to one conclusion, if assisted dying can go so dreadfully wrong in Canada, it's even more likely to go wrong in the UK. However, even with the best of interventions, we can’t ignore the reality that a very small number of people will seek help to die when their suffering becomes intolerable. This facilitated discussion between two Canadian doctors with opposing views on assisted dying should serve as a warning that we’re going about it the wrong way.


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I agree with you "that a very small number of people will seek help to die when their suffering becomes intolerable." However, in order to accommodate this small minority, how many people will choose to die for other reasons, reasons which with adequate support would allow people to live dignified meaningful lives, e.g., Christopher Reeve, Helen Keller...

The message, I received from the debate is, that it is a sad reflection on society that it is easier to offer death - in the guise of "care" - rather than solve problems of accessing help in all its forms (lifegiving care, health, homelessness...), together with tackling many of today's challenges, e.g., restore our soils, eliminate toxins from our food and water supplies, etc.

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Appreciate that you listened to the debate Eleanor. Sometimes I learn more about my own views when I listen to opposing ones such as here where there's so much to prompt further discussion - and concern as you've said.

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The Hospices do this anyway. Morphine pumps a plenty. Check out their admission criteria - in pain. Anyone else, not admitted. Ergo Morphine pumps and dead in 3 days. They're the only medics I know of who can predict 'how long will it take'. Skilled death agents behind a smoke screen of compassion. Let that loose in the NHS? No thanks. Based on the numbskull medics of the last years who only do what the system tells them to do? Avoid avoid avoid.

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Very good article and I totally agree. I think this bill is rushed with insufficient safeguards, so should not pass.

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If you want to die then it is and always has been your choice but to make the state, your family, any other individual complicit in your death is called something else and it’s not euthanasia. The slippery slope like so much of the west embracing sin and calling it a virtue leads to so many unintended and consequences.

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Done - letter to my MP with your link has been sent

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What i find almost as disturbing as the ''assisted dying'' bill is the lack of postings, concern and calls to action by 'medical freedom/awake' groups about the following. eg-Evidence from an official public inquiry which calls into question the claim of COVID-19 pandemia from WHO and more importantly what really caused the excess deaths rates in care homes.

''Assisted dying'' had a real test run from March 23rd 2020 and you will barely find ANY ''alt'' media nor ANY 'medical freedom' advocates write articles about it least of all ask you to email your MP over it. What's that about? When it comes to all this our ''freedom fighters'' AND MPs AND media have no problem looking the other way. I'm not so sure they are that different afterall.


ALL NOW CONFIRMED after 8 months of health and social care hearings:

Severe lockdown isolation harms on residents in care homes (particularly upon those with Dementia) who allegedly died the most from COVID-19.

Neglect of residents in care homes (dehydration and starvation).

Human rights abused in care homes. (article 3-prohibition of torture, inhuman and degrading treatment and article 8-right to family life of the European convention engaged).

No GPs or ambulances to care homes.

Misuse of DNACPR notices in care homes. (article 2-the right to life- of European convention on human rights engaged).

Blanket end of life decisions in care homes with a inappropriate even overuse of end of life medications Morphine and Midazolam.

Preventable excess deaths in care homes.

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it will pass one way to cut the nhs waiting lists how many vadamaged will take up the offef like that candian rn thereare 100of thoussands every where i know 3 not far from me. in london hiden in. carhomes. then dead men tell no tales. al covered up. and gone. niceand tidy

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Interesting to read, and I appreciate another perspective. Naturally, when I think of this potential legislation, I have been thinking in respect of myself and my own experience. Understanding a broader picture is obviously very important here, and I am rethinking my stance on 'assisted dying". Thank you

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Together hosted a good debate on this. I have to admit I am conflicted. I do see (from personal experience) that some people would find it comforting to know that if things become too much they have the option to say 'enough'. Its an option they may or may not choose to take. I also see that we have authoritarian governments who seem to be increasingly devoid of all morality. I can see them finding it quite appealing to sort expensive, difficult, health problems with a short cheap deaths.

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This heinous legislation is particularly nonsensical given Joe Dispenza's very reliably evidenced work in curing very many 'terminal' diseases; and potentially all 'terminal illness'.

See DrJoeDispenza.com and his most recent film SourcetheFilm.org.

Besides this there are many holistic cures for cancer and many health conditions diagnosed as 'terminal'.

Incidentally Dispenza's work (with heartmath.org and other partner organisations) offers bigger solutions for our modern world.

Our magnetic energies (innate in every every human) are connected with cosmological energies and mutually amplifying for healing and peace, when we understand how.

Dispenza's 2017 book Becoming Supernatural explains a lot, and his modern training courses and healing retreats even more.

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"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not." - Jesus

...and they crucified Him.

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