I have cut myself off from all mainstream media and with little knowledge of what the numbers or statistics were of deaths and 'covid' cases I relied on my ears and eyes during the 'pandemic' and post vaccine era. I have said this before that I walk daily and did so during and after the 'pandemic debacle' the quietest period I have ever experienced was during the 'pandemic'. Now post vaccine was a different matter I always knew when there was roughly a vaccine drive on simply because the ambulances were on the road with their blue lights and noisy sirens for a period of time then they would return to normal. This was as regular as clockwork - vaccine drive, blue light ambulances on the road. I needed no other confirmation to stay away from the injections.

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Here are some true number & statics' you won't see on T.V. or media!


• 24,400 deaths

• 27,800 life-threatening events

• 34,500 myocarditis/pericarditis cases

• 40,000 severe allergic reactions

• 44,500 people who are permanently disabled

• 120,00 urgent care visits

• 133,000 hospitalizations

• 176,000 doctor office visits

As of February 18, 2022 — and this is just a small sampling of the startling data we’ve uncovered.

Research shows that this number could actually be only 1% of what the real number is – meaning you can multiply the numbers above by 100 to get a more accurate figure.

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What they did to us is criminal , inhumane & unforgivable

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Nothing new under the sun history repeating itself!

On December 9, 1946, an American military tribunal opened criminal proceedings against 23 leading German physicians and administrators for their willing participation in crimes against humanity. This case is known as the "Doctors Trial" (USA v. Karl Brandt et. al) i.e. medical experimentation on human beings. Just like [nothing new] today! God help us!

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Just astonishing how they just get away with it....

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What about post vaccination increased illness, disability and death? What is the post vaccination danger (illness, disability or death) from the vaccines as a function of time since vaccination, age and sex of subject? When, if ever, does it drop back to normal?

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Question; should rational God fearing people refer to a non FDA tested & approved, experimental, dangerous & in-effective, off label, & Forced drug as a “Vaccine”? Just because words like boy & girl don’t mean anything anymore in our neo Sodom Gomora world? Shouldn’t it be called a pseudo vaccine, or anti vaccine,? otherwise why not call literal B.S. a vaccine and force it on fools & suckers?

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