Many doctors tried too speak out but the media with full government actors support suppressed them, vilified those who were heard, and de-registered and suspended them.
There was no accident or mistake about forcing the injection of toxic gene-therapy concoctions into as many people, men, women AND children as possible. Thern mass i9njection was with full intyent to do harms - to kill and maim.
So i agree the inquiry is set up to obscure many important facts and it's ultimately all about laying the groundwork for pandemic-2. However....
'Whitewash'' is a lazy way out i'm afraid. A form of denial. It also takes interest away from what HAS been said and allows it and all else to be dismissed rather than discussed which SHOULD be THE focus if you consider yourself a COVID sceptic/freedom proponent.
It's ONLY a whitewash if you expect the gov to investigate itself and admit wrong doing which sadly most ''awakes'' do despite it likely they've not watched a single session nor read a single witness statement. It's NOT a whitewash when you actually take the time to examine ALL the evidence and that's where the REAL pressure could be applied to the narrative, nothing else would suffice.
This government 'Inquiry' obviously isn't about inquiring, and 'whitewash' as a descriptor is to underplay the mal intent running through the various modules. Any attempts by witnesses( those not especially 'favoured') to bring the truth ( of the horrendous damage done by the government to the population) in to the arena is squashed flat.
'Truth' is akin to a disinfectant - would wash away their lies, expose their malfeasance and make them responsible and accountable.
The truth is also hard to bear when people have been conned, have assumed their governments wanted to keep them 'safe' from harm. When people have believed a false 'truth' ( Covid-19 is deadly, everyone is at risk, take the 'safe and effective' jab), and realisation dawns ( through witnessing family, friends, neighbours getting chronic illnesses/ dying unexpectedly )then they want to either hide from the actual truth, or turn their backs on the true facts, or become hostile to those doing their utmost to share the truth of what has happened.
It is evident from the testimonies given in both Inquiries that there is evasion and diversion whenever the truth threatens to discomfort the witness or the KC ( on behalf of the Chair, on behalf of the rotten Uniparty).
The Covid noises are designed to distract and occupy people while those same government actors and hidden manipulators set up the Digital Gaol that will enslave or kill off dissenters. The Digital World being created to run with AI computing systems will enslave ALL those who accept then bait and exclude from everything, water, food and shelter, all basic and all other necessities possible for those who do not accept Digital Control of life. This is WAR.
Many doctors tried too speak out but the media with full government actors support suppressed them, vilified those who were heard, and de-registered and suspended them.
There was no accident or mistake about forcing the injection of toxic gene-therapy concoctions into as many people, men, women AND children as possible. Thern mass i9njection was with full intyent to do harms - to kill and maim.
So i agree the inquiry is set up to obscure many important facts and it's ultimately all about laying the groundwork for pandemic-2. However....
'Whitewash'' is a lazy way out i'm afraid. A form of denial. It also takes interest away from what HAS been said and allows it and all else to be dismissed rather than discussed which SHOULD be THE focus if you consider yourself a COVID sceptic/freedom proponent.
Echoed some of what you have said in my post above, eg, re 'whitewash'.
It's ONLY a whitewash if you expect the gov to investigate itself and admit wrong doing which sadly most ''awakes'' do despite it likely they've not watched a single session nor read a single witness statement. It's NOT a whitewash when you actually take the time to examine ALL the evidence and that's where the REAL pressure could be applied to the narrative, nothing else would suffice.
This government 'Inquiry' obviously isn't about inquiring, and 'whitewash' as a descriptor is to underplay the mal intent running through the various modules. Any attempts by witnesses( those not especially 'favoured') to bring the truth ( of the horrendous damage done by the government to the population) in to the arena is squashed flat.
'Truth' is akin to a disinfectant - would wash away their lies, expose their malfeasance and make them responsible and accountable.
The truth is also hard to bear when people have been conned, have assumed their governments wanted to keep them 'safe' from harm. When people have believed a false 'truth' ( Covid-19 is deadly, everyone is at risk, take the 'safe and effective' jab), and realisation dawns ( through witnessing family, friends, neighbours getting chronic illnesses/ dying unexpectedly )then they want to either hide from the actual truth, or turn their backs on the true facts, or become hostile to those doing their utmost to share the truth of what has happened.
It is evident from the testimonies given in both Inquiries that there is evasion and diversion whenever the truth threatens to discomfort the witness or the KC ( on behalf of the Chair, on behalf of the rotten Uniparty).
The Covid noises are designed to distract and occupy people while those same government actors and hidden manipulators set up the Digital Gaol that will enslave or kill off dissenters. The Digital World being created to run with AI computing systems will enslave ALL those who accept then bait and exclude from everything, water, food and shelter, all basic and all other necessities possible for those who do not accept Digital Control of life. This is WAR.