Pfizer manufactured the jabs used in America, Australia and numerous other target countries on American soil.

That is why they are legally obliged to report all Adverse Reaction cases to US authorities and VAERS.

In order to prepare for potentially Trillions of Dollars profit from mass jabbing, Pfizer invested heavily in its manufacturing plants in the US, including a $200 Million expansion in Andover.


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The PREP Act and NCVIA both have Unconstitutional aspects to them, namely, they violate due process. I detailed the legal cases against both here:



I also detailed the RICO aspects against Pfizer & Co here:


However, not a single (supposedly) anti-vaccination organisation with deep pockets wants to pick up this legal approach, despite it being obviously the correct ones. All three can be brought via private prosecution, and yet... only Paxton is the one suing? What gives?

What happened to 'Children's Health Defense', do they not want to win, hence their piecemealing strategies (lawsuits against single schools) whilst pharma takes out big chunks of society?

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Historically any suing seems to have had little impact though does it? I am not suggesting there is no point in suing but that there is something very wrong with the outcome. The process doesn’t seem to achieve much in the way of any loss to these huge wealthy pharmaceutical companies, not financially nor even to their reputations.

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There should be no blanket immunity for drug companies, especially when they refuse to release safety data and want to keep it hidden for 75 years.

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What about Moderna? It is strange that there seems to be ZERO accountability for them. No Ire, no demands to see their trial info. NOTHING! WHY?

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I like the BioNtech address: An der Goldgrube = at the goldmine! Says it all really!

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