What an excellent letter, the strange consensus of everything that involved Covid relayed via the media to the population was the one thing that alerted me that something was wrong. The messaging by government and public health, politicians and scientists not forgetting all the institutions was identical, they were speaking with the one voice, repeated time and time again all of them heading in the same direction. The lone voices of reason or dissent on twitter were immediately attacked for their questions and different views and they were monitored constantly. It struck me as unreal, the only discussion allowed was whether to increase the covid measures and draconian rules. You were one of the lone voices Dr Craig, you were consistent and never wavered, your reasoning was always based on science and not emotion or hysteria. Thank you!

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Excellent letter. Thank you.

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What independent;y verifiable evidence is there that the claimed deadly 'virus' was anything other than a re-branded and re-marketed seasonal Influenza illness? That from a single report of a single unusual case in China, out of millions, end of December 2019, in little more than 25 days the 'pathogen' had been isolated and identified, genetically decoded, a scientific paper written and published, a 'modified' version of the RT-PCR research tool validated and approved by the WHO as the 'gold standard test' , the WHO announcing a Pandemic due to a deadly 'virus', and the test kits being shipped. Yeah right.

A bit too fast maybe??

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Dr Craig has comprehensively illustrated that there was in fact 'no sense' about 'the science'. It would be interesting to read a reply to the letter, but Tracy Brown has resorted to quite an odd position with reference to scientific debate and how it was damaged. Something of a red herring.....trying to shift the 'evidence' in to a quagmire of verbiage.

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Had to read it all as it was so well put together.

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An excellent essay! Of course, aside from expressions of scientific dogma, one has to ask the question, why? If not to protect us from the virus, why? Why go to such lengths to suppress any and all views to the contrary? Lysenko comes to mind, in other words an overarching political objective is being served, not the least of which is the political objective of preparing the population for further suppressions of opinions and objections to the actions of the state.

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On reflection, I have to add these observations to my comment: clearly, there is an enormous amount at stake: simply, the future of capitalism, of 'our way of life', there is no other explanation for the total disruption caused by the response to the 'pandemic'. It was if the country had gone to war and in a way, it had. The entire resources of the state were mobilised to fight the 'pandemic'. Vast sums of money were expended and most of it wasted on pointless exercises designed, not to prevent or to cure the disease but to petrify, to create the illusion that we were at war with a virus. Fear is contagious, far more so than a virus, though just as invisible.

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It might be worth doing a simple table of spending on various aspects of the response to highlight what the priorities really were.

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Crudely, billions spent on PPE for example and most of it on junk and given to pals of the government (the so-called VIP lane). We have a corrupt and incompetent ruling class, it's as simple as that.

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Read Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt on Substack. This was/is a military operation. The DOD is in charge and because it's a war all "countermeasures" are protected from liability. We are at war and for some reason we are the enemy they are trying to destroy. They explain it very clearly and have the receipts to prove their evidence. It sounds crazy but that's because it is.

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Dear Clare, You are more accurate than you realise when you state” It was as if the country had gone to war”. If you can find the time, go to “ Debbie Lerman’s Substack” where she lays out the facts about who, in the US, was in charge of Covid Policy. Her research shows that in fact, “ The National Security Council was in charge of Pandemic Policy” not a public health board. They controlled the response as though C19 was a “ bio weapon “ which clearly is what they believed, initially. And that raises all sorts of questions given what we now know about where it came from and who was involved in financing the “ gain of function” research as commissioned by whom, where? Her research is excellent and of course, where the US went so went most governments in “ the West”. This needs to be widely understood because of what may come next if this virus mutates into something more virulent, which some scientists believe it may and that it’s imminent.

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The only way the government’s response makes any sense is if they believed or were informed that C19 was a bio weapon.

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An excellent letter that could be sent to the head of almost every health and social care organisation.

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I have received a reply which reads:

"Dear Clare,

Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately Tracey has many pressing deadlines and will not be able to review your full article, or write a response for your Substack.

Kind Regards,

Sense about Science "

I am not surprised. I am not sure what else she could possibly have said to defend her position.

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Thank you Clare ,once again, for restoring my sanity. You were one of the voices, in that dark time, that assured me that my knowledge, gained many years ago, was not outdated or misremembered . There were others brave enough to question the emperors clothes, some were short lived but others like you endured.

I think all of the heroes should be named and celebrated.

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What an excellent letter, turning the comments of Tracy Brown on their head!

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Well said Clare. Where was Tracy Brown in the pandemic ?

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I'll tell you where she was. She was busy awarding Fauci the 2020 Maddox prize. Find her judges comment at her senseaboutscience.org website. She must have been stoned during the vote or is extremely and fundementally disingenuous about her pursuit of evidence based policy. WTF Is she illiterate?

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She has an eye for tha main chance, then

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OMG - hiding in plain sight, thanks for the prompt.



"Anthony Fauci and Salim S. Abdool Karim, key government health advisors for the United States of America and South Africa, were awarded the 2020 John Maddox Prize for standing up for science during the coronavirus pandemic."

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well done, a reasoned, factual and logical letter, its a shame that those three do not trump careerism.

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I hope Tracey Brown will read your letter which is totally fair and reasonable and much more could have been said. The 'powers that be' seem determined to ignore any comments which go against their narrative.

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Perfect letter Clare

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Thank you Dr. Clare Craig for this excellent letter clearly delineating dogma driven decisions from scientific inquiry.

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