Fear Porn indeed!

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This is nothing to do with a 'virus'. This is about food instability. The fear is a secondary bonus.

We have lots of birds visiting our rural garden every day. Not seen a dead one yet. Not seen one sneezing or with its eyes falling out. Nor a face mask - sorry can't resist.

It's linked to the reduction of livestock (expect foot & mouth soon). And the recently announced reduction of farmland by 10% for trees, solar & more wond farms in pursuit of NUT Zero. Even then that is not the end game. Population reduction is the aim. Preceeded by civil unrest and all the totalitarian crap that will be introduced to combat said unrest.

Damn! I sound like a complete nutter.

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No virus has ever been isolated so how can this be possible?

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Great article. Very depressing too. They loved controlling us and feeling self- important. They just can't move on. Science of any sort is most definitely not informing behaviour.

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Peter McCullough and the World Council for Health have more to say about chickens being slaughtered than the following. Real courageous disclosure below.


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Sometime in 2020-2022 I read they were going to attack the food supply, and here we are. Cattle, chickens, what is next?

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