Remind me again how many billion people have allowed a rushed complex biological medical product to be injected into their bodies? Governments scream Jump!, the populations ask how high?

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Thank you Mike for your clarity, as ever.

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As evidenced by the still widespread acceptance of the proven fictitious mainstream Covid narrative, myth building can and has been accomplished in a remarkably short period of time. Prior to Jan 2020 I thought enlightenment had been here to stay. Wow was I wrong. I propose we call our's the period of "endarkenment"

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Who, [in our Godless world] woulden't look to Big Government [who acts as our god] woulden't believe them & their partner in crime, the 5 Billion in fruad fines & *leader in cause of death, Big Pharma? (*see the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study & the book, Death by Medicine, documenting that USA's pharma "medicine" in the last 50 years has killed 40,000,000! i.e. a fact to demonstrate that, "Death is the wages of sin, vs. the gift of God is life, through Jesus Christ our lord." [Romans 6:23]

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Ita, One can pick and choose what parts of a dogma or which dogma for that matter one accepts and rejects without being coerced into doing so by outside forces and according to others imposed timeframe. For instance, I accept the part of modern medicines' dogma that suggests that courses of treatment be souly at the discretion of the patient in consultation with their doctor. I will not ever accept a new dogma or part thereof that demands or in some cases commands the course of treatment be at the discretion of a government or societal force. Bodily integrity is a core human value not a belief and has reached far beyond in its influence on the wellness of humanity any modern mythology ever will yet as a concept I suppose it could be considered dogmatic in that it should be unchanging.

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A total layperson here. Is there any possibility that they were developing this 'treatment' for a number of years beforehand, as per usual? Or is it without doubt, a case of it being rushed in a short space of time?

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