We now are experiencing first hand the treatment of the NHS dissidents, it brings echoes of the Soviet Union, who would have thought that they would hound doctors for voicing a different opinion. They are even attacking their mental health status, for surely they must be mad if they have a different opinion, what is the next step, incarcerating them in a locked psychiatric ward? for their own good of course. This is not progress it is regression and all of us will pay dearly if it is allowed to continue.

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It's shocking to read the lengths the Establishment are going to to snuff out any principled dissent from 'their' narrative . It's an obsessive and relentless campaign....a lesson for others not to be a strong voice outside of the Establishment's tent. It is happening to other voices in other spheres. Kudos to them all for not giving up their integrity and principles in the face of such onslaught.

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Rings a bell,but my case was not as bad. I learned a new procedure and started treating patients privately. After being blocked for NHS use for 5 years it is now the standard treatment and has saved thousands of unnecessary operations.

I had a late complication with one case. She was seen by a teaching hospital. The consultant told her to sue me and report me to the GMC. I won the GMC case,but was advised to settle the case. My indemnity organisation refused to pay. I nearly lost my house.

A couple of years later I went to a College meeting and asked a.professor why he had blocked this treatment for years. He was furious.

Carrie MacEwen,now head of the GMC, was sitting next to me. 'You're a bloody heretic!' ,she said,but with a smile. She knew I was right, but embarrassing the powerful is dangerous.

That said, introducing that procedure still gives me a glow of satisfaction,which is worth far more than money.

I wish Dr White all the best. He is fighting a protected and entrenched evil that has no fear for its position.


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So who in the NHS is calling the shots?

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The Medical Mafia never been much different. I expect the old farts on the GMC are still ripping tonsils out, and confining cardiac infarction cases to 3 months bed rest.

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I found the article: "Censorship and Suppression of Covid -19 Heterodoxy: Tactics and Countertactics" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9628345/ helpful in its extensive citations and in its potentially useful suggestions regarding responses to censorship. My Google search asking whether "due process laws are applicable to todays dissent by doctors who question COV2 narrative" yielded some very interesting results regarding legal recourse at least in the U.S. Following the course of McCarthyism through history via Google is rather informative as well, highlighting the precursors of the current cabal's tactics.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

Until you make it free and easy to post your articles and thus get more publicity- free , you are no better than other 'info' suppliers! Wake up to your real main purpose! Not everyone can afford to pay! I would rather donate money to those that are genuinely suffering from the Govts mistreatment of them for being right!

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The next time someone decides to open fire at a school or a shopping mall... they might consider that there might be better options

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