Brave man

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Bravo, sir!

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Well done !! Those of you still working in the NHS have a much harder time, being subjected to threats, innuendo and job loss. It is interesting that those of us on NHS pensions attract almost total neglect when we protest. We cannot be made afraid of GMC threats, and those pensioned but on the GMC non prescribers register receive polite but meaningless replies from the GMC. Perhaps they believe we will die soon ?

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I've worked at a middle-senior level in both the Scottish NHS and Scottish Local Government - and left as soon as I could draw my modest but helpful pension. There's an underlying cosy corruption there - cronies and cronyism - something that has a sweetish smell about it that is hard to finger.

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So very grateful to you for standing up in your integrity. People's poor character shone right through in many and how sad.

I wrote to school heads and management teams warning of the same lack of evidence, the harms that would be caused to children etc. Not even a reply.

You courageously paid with your career but you were right. You stood by your beliefs and with the tall legends who did the same.

Thank you.

Thank you for being on the right side of humanity.

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Thank you - for standing up for us all.

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Thank you for being the children’s advocate. It’s people like you that make a difference not least of which by encouraging others.

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As seemingly "bizarre" "pointless" and "absurd" Jeff Aces belated banning action was, his motion, it seems to me, was not personal satisfaction as implied by your speculation, but rather the motion was intended to have a "chilling effect" on those who might otherwise attempt to step out of line. I'm guessing it had some effect. Others were made to understand through such emphasis on penalties that they occupy a place in your NHS dominance hierarchy and that the overlords' demand and receive compliance with real consequences for the disobedient like yourself.

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Well done, indeed. It takes courage and conviction to do what you did in the face of such clear tyranny, which we know was behind the fake medical health emergency of 2010.

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Sterling work old chap !

Keep up the good fight.

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Keep speaking up Mike, we all appreciate everything you do 👏

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oh no…you mean they won't MURDER me?

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When it comes to consent regarding the vaccines, the NHS has shown not only will it ban you, but it'll also steamroll over any consent required. The NHS basically point blank refused to remove one patient from their perpetual contact list simply because the Health Secretary had decreed it (see: https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/what-does-the-nhs-uk-government-and).

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World law enforcement agencies must arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA, HHS and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are ...not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

Nuremberg Code and RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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Bravo for sticking to your beliefs based on facts. Many Jehovahs Witnesses in Russia are behind bars with long prison sentences for peacefully studying the Bible!

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Soon all the Jehovah's Witnesses will be behind Satan's bars, according to the New Testament! Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth, and only way to Heaven by His blood sacrifice! can one go to our Father in Heaven!!! Silly misled JWs don't believe that Jesus was sent by God! Or know God, Jesus, and the holy Spirit are One! Satan inspired JW's are hopelessly lost Spiritually! Russia's prisons are paradise compared to where they will ALL be going, soon! How sad is that? for them Jesus Christ died for nothing!

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I'm all for Satan, as it happens. Much sexier women, and better booze in Hell ;-)

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So Satan's Hell can be a fun place if you just wish hard enough, Right?

Psychotic; Definition; relating to a severe mental disorder called psychosis, which is characterized by a loss of contact with reality. I must be crazy, right?

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Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe in Jesus? ( from their website jw.org)

Yes. We believe in Jesus, who said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) We have faith that Jesus came to earth from heaven and gave his perfect human life as a ransom sacrifice. (Matthew 20:28) His death and resurrection make it possible for those exercising faith in him to gain everlasting life. (John 3:16) We also believe that Jesus is now ruling as King of God’s heavenly Kingdom, which will soon bring peace to the entire earth. (Revelation 11:15) However, we take Jesus at his word when he said: “The Father is greater than I am.” (John 14:28) So we do not worship Jesus, as we do not believe that he is Almighty God.

People are very misinformed I’m afraid, Steve.

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Your fake Christian knock-off JW religion is like so many other Hell bound mind-control cult's, Islam being the worst one, they also believe in their knock-off version Jesus & like you & JW's they just don't believe what he says! As best demonstrated in Jesus's Bible! I.e. Galatians 1:6-9 No Other Gospel

6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse"! Yah get it? You can't reweight God's gospel I.e. claiming Jesus is reley Michael the Archangel? and call that B.S. good!!! It's ACCURSED!!! I want you to notice how your brain cult induced washing won't allow to to lucidely reply to Me or Galatians "let them [I.E. you JW's] be under God’s curse"! How can you get around that? I pray you wise up before your time is up! Love Steve

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You seem to have a lot of hatred in your heart Steve, so at first I thought what’s the point of my replying. (Here on this interesting Substack is not the place anyway for a theological debate. ) But I remembered the hatred for ALL religion that I had back in 1960. Thankfully all gone and replaced by love now. So, All I will say in reply right now is as you know nothing about Here’s a few snippets. In 1960 I was an angry atheist , staunch evolutionist etc. Why? Because my first son was born with cerebral palsy and other brain damage. My neighbour was a member of the local church He told me my son was born like that because I was a “sinner”. When I asked him to prove there was a God and if this God was so loving why hadn’t he punished ME not a baby who hadn’t even learned there was such a thing. I will not repeat his “Christ-like(?) reply. He ranted , went red in the face , called me bad names of every description and said I deserved such a child.! Did all that convert me to a loving God or just confirm why I’d become an atheist in the first place?

I’d been through WW2 as a child here in England. I’d seen the sheer hypocrisy of English Catholics , Protestants and other so called Christians killing German members of the sane so-called “Christian” religions and their clergy blessing the weapons of death on BOTH SIDES. I knew enough from my upbringing that Jesus said “by this all will know that you are my disciples IF YOU HAVE LOVE AMONG YOURSELVES” - John 13.35 (as you will already know that scripture? ). So it seemed my atheism would stay.

Then one day there was a knock on my door. A lady with a Bible and a smile. My disabled baby was laid there in his pram. My anger rose and I raged at her , grabbed her Bible, said it was lavatory paper, I didn’t have any as I was poverty-stricken at that time, may I put it to good use right now? …and began to tear some pages. She kindly but firmly stopped me…said I seemed very angry but she, too, was poor and as it was Gods Word it was very precious to her etc. She did not rant back!!! I expected it. (All religious people I knew were SO self-righteous ). So I felt a degree of shame and apologised.

She then allowed me to continue “ranting” and listened with understanding.

This reply is already too long for on here so Suffice it to say, that lady was one of JWs and she returned later with some lavatory paper and some home-made jam and some bread. (I had no food at that time). She then discussed many things with me over the months ,

I did lots of research and gradually became convinced that there WAS a supreme designer and Creator of the universe including the earth of course…that He had a purpose for the earth and man, in the beginning ..the purpose had been allowed to be interrupted to settle a challenge made by an invisible enemy…the challenge would run its course, then like in a Universal “Court” so to speak, it would finally be settled once for all time, never to be raised again. Then Gods original purpose for the earth and mankind would be fulfilled. All that was proved time and time again by the Scriptures. There was no coercion. All scripture harmoniously was agreeing the same theme I had a legal background so evidence was the prime driver in all my studies…but the main thing that struck me about the jw’s I met was , in spite of their imperfections, it was the only religion I’d found that never went to war against their brothers in other countries! That is also why they are imprisoned in Russia, Eritrea and other countries. Jesus himself commanded his followers to LOVE one another not murder one another. Matt 7:19-23. But your extensive knowledge on Jesus teachings will know that already Steve?

But for now, I hope knowing a bit of my background you will perhaps not be as harsh on this peace-loving religion Steve.

It’s understandable though. We expect it from the majority of people because didn’t Jesus himself say his true followers WOULD be hated and persecuted and even killed for his name so I leave you with Matt 5:11,12 to ponder on. ?

I do not wish to argue against your sincere beliefs so I won’t bore the rest of people on this Stack with debates about religion.

My original post was acknowledging Harts bravery in standing up for his beliefs, that’s the only reason why I mentioned my brothers who were serving prison sentences for sticking to theirs.

. Hope you have a peaceful year Steve Love from Jaqui in UK.

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So was Job a "sinner" The moral of that Bible story is that people must have faith in God even in adversity. As in you having toxic heavy metal/ cerebral palsy causing vaccines from the billions in fraud fines, Big Pharma shot into you & baby! I hope you & the kid are doing well, in this life & the next! BUT remember not all roads & religions lead to Jesus's opt-in Heaven! Most won't be liking that default option

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Probably not!

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