Thank you for saving this speech. I think Mr Bridgen has given some brilliant speeches in parliament. It is clear he has worked with experts (many I am sure at HART) to understand the key issues and to present them clearly and cogently. I have nothing but respect for him for dong his job as an MP to work to address issues that absolutely affect not only his constituents, but the whole country and indeed many countries in the Western world. I also have to give a nod of respect to the MPs who did turn up and who also contributed their views to the debate.
Thank you for saving this speech. I think Mr Bridgen has given some brilliant speeches in parliament. It is clear he has worked with experts (many I am sure at HART) to understand the key issues and to present them clearly and cogently. I have nothing but respect for him for dong his job as an MP to work to address issues that absolutely affect not only his constituents, but the whole country and indeed many countries in the Western world. I also have to give a nod of respect to the MPs who did turn up and who also contributed their views to the debate.
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Bravo Andrew. Brilliant speech.
Bravo. What a brave man.
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