The behaviour scientists are delusional, so they think that they can turn on and off our behaviour like a switch repeatedly? Talk about blowing your own horn!! I am sure there will be people who will respond to this like a Pavlovian conditioning but then they would have this reaction to any stimulant and you cannot fix stupid. The people who see clearly this malignant manipulation of the masses will stop playing their games and this group is slowly growing.

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I do not think the public should be merely "informed" of a nudge unit's existence.

I believe "nudge units" - which are merely propagandist's tools for manipulating the public - ought to be outright banned.

There is no good scenario that can come from a government manipulating the perceptions of the very voter base who is supposed to hold them to account. The government's job isn't to "convince", "sway", "bribe", "coerce", "manipulate" or otherwise "tell" us what to do, think or say. It is the public's task and job to tell the government, whom we elect, what to do, think, tell and say!

Therefore I do not think HART should be so spineless as to ask for such meek and pointless concessions as 'transparency' for what is essentially a *weapon of war*. HART ought to seek the outright *banning* of "nudge" units, because a government that controls the thoughts and views of their populace controls who and what they vote for (essentially, the government tells you what of their policies they want you to vote for).

No nudging, no manipulation, no large chunks of taxpayer funded *abusers* hurling vitriol against the likes of Dr Cartland on the internet. Outright ban. They have already shown themselves to be wholly irresponsible with the token amount of power they stole without consent, they should not be granted this luxury either. Governments do not have a right nor free pass to bribe or coerce the general public into any sort of behaviours!

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The lack of ethics these psychologists showed was astounding and the BPS backed them which says a lot about the BPS too 🤬

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Yes,they are the Baddies.

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Maybe we need to have an 'Ethics Unit' that is consulted on all government activities, and an open debate rather than behind closed doors discussions.

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Dangerous words..ethics + government

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