🔗Hidden Pfizer report shows far more heart conditions in the vaccinated Nick Hunt, Daily Sceptic, 11th October 2024
In this article, Nick Hunt, lead author of the Perseus Report, has reported on a recently and quietly published Post Authorisation Safety Study (PASS) of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. These reports by drug companies are compulsory to be sent to the regulators (the MHRA for the UK, but the same is required to be sent to the FDA in the US). It is thus very concerning that previous reports have only emerged following FOI requests. This latest report (number 5) is only a 5-page abstract and was only published several months late, whereas the previous report (number 4) published in September 2023 ran to over 500 pages. Both reports have shown an increased risk of a number of cardiac conditions in the vaccinated compared to unvaccinated, including the latest report showing a 2.3-fold increase in myocarditis within 3 weeks of a PfizerBioNTech covid vaccination.
🔗Our lifeline for the vaccine victims Charlet Crichton, The Conservative Woman, 22nd October 2024
Charlet Crichton is co-founder with Caroline Pover of UKCVFamily, a registered charity providing peer support for the vaccine injured. They have just launched a new publicity campaign entitled ‘You are Not Alone’. Alongside Vaccine Injured and Bereaved UK, both groups have been largely abandoned by the state, despite responding to NHS pressure to take the covid ‘vaccines’ which then harmed or even bereaved them. Please share this link.
🔗Did Moderna mislead its UK regulator? UsforThem, on X, 14th October 2024
The Children’s Covid Vaccines Advisory Council (CCVAC) brought a successful complaint against Moderna which was upheld by the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) and which was covered by the Telegraph here. One of Moderna’s NextCOVE trial participants had offered £1500 in a WhatsApp message, to any child completing the trial. We had written to the CEOs of all the participating centres and to the MHRA back in July 2023 about this, so it was surprising as part of Moderna’s response to our complaint stating that they did not know of this until January 2024! The £1500 (standard fee in the US but definitely illegal in UK) had been on the original trial application and had been rejected but they had obviously sent the trial paperwork out before approval on the arrogant assumption it would all get nodded through and they had then failed to ensure the correct version offering maximum £85 (for legitimate expenses) was circulated.
It is therefore very gratifying to see UsforThem calling this out - their legal team had written to Moderna’s UK Medical Director, Philip Cruz, and their general manager, Darius Hughes, in early August last year and had received a reply. It will be interesting to see if there will be any further penalty for lying to the regulator above the paltry £14000 (only ~10x the amount they were willing to pay to the several thousand trial participants) which they had to pay for “Failing to maintain high standards” and for “Bringing discredit upon, and reducing confidence in, the pharmaceutical industry”
If the covid jabs were beyond reproach (save the "very rare" adverse events) then why did the MHRA advertise in autumn 2020 for a software tool to deal with the "high number" of expected adverse reactions. Subsequent injuries and deaths bear that out....many know of such 'events'.
The evidence from the Scottish Inquiry is being ignored because it reproaches the unscientific
and inhumane government edicts ....masks, lockdowns, jabs, the lot.
World law enforcement agencies must arrest Bill Gates, Harari, Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, WEF, FDA, HHS and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.
Fraud and Genocide are …not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!
Nuremberg Code and RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!