The deniers of vaccine harm have only two ways of addressing the excess death problem. They either deny that it exists or try to blame it on covid or 'long covid'. HART have previously addressed why covid is not an adequate explanation for the problem because the timing of the non-covid excess has been synchronous in places that had no significant covid until 2022. The same argument applies for long covid. However, the claim that people have died of long covid lingers.
The CDC carried out an audit of death certificates mentioning long covid or any of a large list of synonyms for it. They found 3,500 such deaths in the USA from January 2020 to June 2022. They failed to investigate the time from diagnosis to death which is a great shame given how few there were to investigate. However, we can get a feel for the answer based on the timing of the deaths overall which follow covid waves with a lag of about 1 to 2 months.
Based on their data, long covid accounted for 6 deaths per million people for the year ending June 2022. Extrapolating to the UK this works out at only 390 deaths in total which is far too few to explain the tens of thousands of excess non-covid deaths seen that year.
It is notable that those dying had an even older age profile than for covid deaths which is not what we see in the excess mortality.
Post-viral syndromes have always been with us, likely will always be with us and can be very debilitating. What the CDC have demonstrated here looks more like evidence of some people dying within weeks of infection rather than explaining large numbers dying months or years later.
Either way I think this conversation starts with a misdiagnosis from the beginning.
My two friends have “long covid” according to the NHS. Everyone in their “long Covid” clinic has been diagnosed with “long Covid” (two separate clinics).
But everyone they’ve met in their clinic argues they were jab injured. The NHS go quiet or change the subject when the people suffering bring it up.
We’re 99% convinced it’s the jabs despite the denials by the “doctors”. Theyve had amongst many issues, PoTS, one has pericarditis the other myocarditis.
Both are now having their auto immune system tested and it all sounds like Yales post vaccine syndrome (PVS).
So I wonder if they do pass early. Will long Covid be blamed despite evidence to the contrary that probably they have long jab?
Source: Yale University, via Medrxiv (pre-print not yet peer reviewed))
Title: Post-Vaccination Syndrome: A Descriptive Analysis of Reported Symptoms and Patient Experiences After Covid-19 Immunization
Of note: A chronic post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) after covid-19 vaccination has been reported but has yet to be well characterized. This study characterises it.
Interesting. One would assume that the survivors of a pandemic (us!) would share tales of horror and huge losses of lives of family, friends, colleagues and aquintainces. Yet, the only person I heard of who died 'of' Covid was my wife's 99 year old grandmother. Still a tradegy, but she had more comorbities that I can fit in one sentence. Anecdotal, yes. But when anecdotal occurs often enough it becomes a pattern.
But how to continue to instill fear when people realise that it wasn't the black death or Ebola after all? Invent something like long covid. Most 'long covid' is probably long vaxx. Would be nice to investigate, but unlikely to happen.